A new human!

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mad's POV

i started to turn on to see that i'm on a small stage

'whats going on wasn't i in parts and service?'

i looked around and noticed that i was in the same area where mangle is suppost to be. in pirats cove i saw a sign that was suppost to say pirate cove but instead it said

'Mad's Magic show? but i don't get it? OH shot! did they replace Mangle with me?!'

?:"i figured that you would be surprised about this"

i looked to see mike smiling at me

"Jerry? were you the one who did this?"

Jerry:"I guess you could say that, yeah. when i was leaving from my shift i bumped into the owner of this place and we talked-


Jeremy POV

Owner:" Hey Jeremy how was the night shift?"

'If by night shift you mean nightmare then yeah it was horrible' " It was good nothing happened while I was on my shift"

Owner:"That's good to hear, well I'll see you again tonight"

He started walking towards the entrance but I stopped him

"By the way sir, when are you going to put up that new puppet?"

He looked at me confused and asked

Owner:"What are you talking about? we dont have any other puppets except marionette"

"That's not true when I was looking through the cameras in the security office I saw another puppet there"

He looked at me confused and ask

Owner:" can you show me where this puppet is? maybe we can use her for parts or even entertainment"

'God I hope he doesn't use her for parts, she would be a great attraction to this place' "Sure"

Time skip

I opened Parts and Service and sure enough there she was Madhatteris

Owner:"Wow you weren't kidding about the other puppet I wonder when it got here?"

"Well the better question is 'does she work or not?' "

Owner:" Good point, well lets see"

He was able to find her switch empowered Iran she stood up opened her eyes and smiled

Mad:" hello Boys & Girls, welcome to my magic show! it is place a full of imagination where the magic begins and the fun never ends!"

'Wow she really had outdone herself on this puppet this must have taken years of work.  I have to admit it's a really great job'

Owner:"This is great! how did you find her?"

"don't know, just like I said earlier found her on the security cameras last night" 'okay that was not a complete lie. i did see her the first time on the security cameras on the night before'

owner:"well great job finding her and for that you will get a raise"

'Sweet!' "so what are you going to do now sir?"

A New Member Fnaf fanfiction: Foxy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now