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Kai's POV
"Itachi?"I asked hoping my eyes weren't tricking me. "Kai?"he asked making sure it was me. "Yes"was what I said before he engulfed me in a hug. Me being the Antisocial person I am use the Harashined(tell me if I misspelled it)out of it. "Ok I'm not a little kid any-"I was cut off by duck-ass jumping into the house glaring at Ita"Outo-Outo"Itachi said to duck ass. "Nii-chan"was all he said. "What are you doing here Sasuke?"Itachi asked the now named Sasuke." Mission from the Hokage and Kakashi wanted to see his hold team mates."he said still in a fighting stance. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING???????"I yelled total confusion showed in my one visible eye.Itachi was the one to speak "Kai"he paused "he's my brother and he's your cousin"once he finished I was staring at at Sasuke "No way this duckass is my cousin hell nah"I said."Pfff....HAHAHA" laughed the blonde happy kid."Eather waaaaaayyyy... Kai why is there an Uchiha,a Haruno,an Uzumaki,and a H-Hatake here?"my dad asked. "Not my fucking department."I shrugged as I continued," If you're soooo curios ask them.Now I'ma go take a shower plus my hair is irritating my FUCKING EYE!" I yell as I move my hair out of my eye and remove the bandages so that my eye could breath. I suddenly heard a gasp, turning around I open my eye showing the rinnegan." What?"I said a hint of confusion in my voice.Silence.Silence was the only thing I heard or didn't hear. "You know what FUCK THIS I'm TIRED,HUNGRY,AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF THE FUCKING JŪBI IS UP AND HE'S(IDK IF I'M RIGHT)PISSED!"I yell while holding my head as my wolf ears and tails pop out.Every thing went black once the transformation was complete."OI,SHIRO-NII!" I yelled walking into his den the was in my mind scape  "What do you need pup?" He asked me as I climbed on top of his snout pulling my mask off showing all my scars off. "Can I just stay here for a while please I say as I start to nod off as he lowered me to his front left paw. "Sure pup." He said nuzzling me to sleep witch always works.

|Time skip|
Kakashi's POV
She uncovered her eye as she opened it I gasped The Rinnegan "What?" She said you could hear the confusion in her voice even if she had a straight face( yeeeee The funny thing is she isn't straight so it's pan(pansexual)face). She suddenly started to yell sounding pissed since nobody answered her "You know what FUCK THIS I'm TIRED , HUNGRY ,AnD TO TOP IT ALL OFF THE JŪBI IS UP AND HE'S PISSED!"she yelled clutching her head she suddenly sprouted ears and 10 tails and passed out. "What the hell just happened?"Naruto asked in a confused voice. "Well that simple she went it her mind scape."Itachi said as he shrugged and started to walk away stoping only to pick Kai up and take her so what I could only assume was her room. "Ok,Bakakashi explain why you and you're team is here also I would like the names of the pinky and the blonde." Obito calmly as he sat down next to Rin staring intently at the four of us. "Well-

I'ma listen Hamilton while drawing now byeeee I'll show pictures once I'm done drawing yeeeeee press need ideas for my other books pls help
Word count : 611

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