Bakudeku 💙💜

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So deku has depression cause his mom died and Bakugos mom let him move in with them. This isnt as long as my other ones so yee
(No dorms btw)

~Izuku pov~

It's been a whole year since my mom died... she had died when I was at a class over night trip to a convention. I had told my mom I wouldn't go since she was sick in the hospital but she insisted I go so I did. She had died the day befor we got back. Reason was that she had a heart attack and the doctors couldn't find a way to help her. Since I lived alone at my moms house I just ended up staying in the hospital next to my moms dead body.

Soon kacchan and his mom visited me. They had brought me food and insisted I should live with them. Atleast kacchans mom did. I reluctantly said yes and moved in the next day. All I had left of my mom were some of her belongings and a picture of her I farmed and put on the desk of the guest bedroom I was living in. The school eventually found out and let me take 2 weeks of from school so I can relax a bit.

Even after the two weeks I still didnt feel good. Yeah I felt better now then before but I cant help it. Every day when I come home from school I just cry- kacchans mom isn't home and usually Bakugo is out so no one knows. I never wanted to kill myself, actually I think my only purpose in life is to live up to be the number one hero now. It's the least I can do for my mom.

~Bakugo pov~

Every day I hear him. He crys in his room after school. Once he cried for 3 hours straight and I listened to him the whole time. How the fuck does he keep a smile on his face all the time. Even if my mom is a old hag I would probably be like flipping everyone off- atually I do that all the time, whatever. Sometimes I just want to hug him till he stops but what would he think of me then.

Time skip: 3 months later

~Bakugo pov~

I slammed the door of the guest bedroom open after hearing him again. I charged in angry and saw a shocked look on dekus face.


"Kacchan- w-what are you d-doing here"

He spoke between sniffs trying to hide his face in what seemed like embarrassment and shame. I just hugged him he seemed surprised but he wasn't rejecting me at all. I was pretty glad atually, he had hugged me back.

~Izuku pov~

Kacchan the boy who bullied me for almost all my life is hugging me- and I'm hugging back. What is happening, I'm not crying anymore, I'm blushing, and I think I'm going insane.

I swear we were hugging for 30 minutes but it was nice we ended up shifting on our sides in my bed laying down. It was really nice atually, after the super long hug he brought me some food which was super delicious. Kacchan is such a good cook.

"So deku I have a confession..."

Holy wait what kind of confession- a I like you kind of confession or a I ate all your cookies kind of confession.

"Yeah kacchan w-what is it?"

"Eveyday after school I hear you crying in your room- I'm sorry if I sound creepy right now but I can't help it you need to stop."

Shoot that's a long time- I've been crying for over a year... I never thought kacchan would find out about this

"Kacchan what- why..."

"Because my mom told me to check in on you after school ends eveyday. But when I heard you crying I didnt do anything... for 1 whole year"

I was shocked. He atually listened to his mom- I'm going to have to take notes. Anyways what did he mean he didnt do anything about it. That's not to surprising...

"I sould have told my mom about it so she could talk to you or something-"

This is to much for me to process right now-

~Bakugo pov~

Deku isnt saying anything. Shit did I mess up, does he think I'm weird or something-

"Um hello deku-"

"Uh- yeah kacchan"

Thank goodness- hes not dead- why do I care so much about him. This is weird I never felt this before...

"I'm sorry..."

~Midoriya pov~

Holy wait- did kacchan just say sorry. God this isnt kacchan is it. Where the hahahahaha your such a crybaby deku. I didnt know what to say do I just hugged him in response. He seemed to understand and hugged back. If I think about it, it seems as if kacchan doesn't hate me. Well I cant tell but I'll find out eventually.

Kacchan pulled back after a while and went to clean the dishes. For the first time in forever I went out of my room for something other than school and food. And walked up to kacchan and stood next to him. I watched as he washed the dishes. I dont know hoe (lmao call me the god of typos, its supposed to be how but im leaving it like this and thats final) but kacchan made it entertaining. He would occasionally blow a bubble for me to pop. I popped them smiling every time. I would glance at kacchan and he seemed happy. Probably since I haven't been smiling at his home for the past I dont know year and a half? I'm glad I can make him happy. It's the least I can do for him.

After that we were both watching a movie on the couch. I was wrapped in a blanket laying my head in kacchans lap. He wasnt upset at all which is a good thing. I dont plan on dying any time soon. We were watching a romance movie. Turns out kacchans family owns alot of them. Weird, I would think they have alot of horror or action movies but nope they have romance. We were watching a movie about the two main characters having a crush on each other without knowing. It was pretty cliche but kacchan was enjoying it and I liked seeing him entertain by something other than me failing a test. I cant believe I wasted so much time crying after school when I could have been hanging out with kacchan. I wish I could talk to my past self and tell him to talk to kacchan more. I watch kacchan enjoy the movie not watching it myself.

"Hey deku, let's do what they are doing-"

He was blushing slightly. I didnt know what was on screen but when I turned to look I was confronted by the two main characters kissing. I blushed a bright red. Was he saying he wanted to kiss- oh my god.

"Wait k-kacchan do y-you w-want to kiss?..."


HOLY GOD WHAT- I think I'm blushing more no if that is possible. I blanked out. I didnt know what to say. I just sat up and sat next to him. I didnt know what I was doing. I couldn't speak I just stared at him. He was staring back at me then right there I felt it. His lips touched mine as I snapped out of my paralysis. It was warm soft did he take care of his lips or something. He pulled back and looked away quickly.

~No ones pov~

Midorya tuned bakugos head to face him. He was still quite shocked. Bakugo was blushing a bright pink that stood out. Midoriya smiled and kissed Bakugo. He pulled back smiling as Bakugo looked at him in surprise.

"Thank you kacchan... you brought back the happiness in my life. I could never thank you enough"

Midoriya happily kissed Bakugo again but longer as the movie credits rolled onto the screen.


Word count: 1299

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