Chapter 2

793 20 21

Warning: Cringe and self-harm

(Italic - NK, Bold -Anyone Else)

~Timeskip to the next day~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I hit snooze about 10 times until I finally get out of bed. I was feeling extra sad and unmotivated today. I wanted to just not go to school today, but decided to not go tomorrow. I took some random clothes and what I had was a dark purple hoodie, some black ripped jeans and white shoes. I put my clothes on.

I remembered that I hadn't changed my bandages in two months so I decided to finally change them. I took off my bandages looking at the cuts on my wrists and sighed. I opened my drawer to find a blade and some alcohol. I checked my other drawers, but there weren't any bandages. 'Well shit' I thought to myself. 'Did I forget to buy some bandages or did I throw them away? God damn it the old ones are already in the trash, what the fuck am I supposed to do?!' 'Well I have long sleeves so I guess I could make sure nobody sees my wrists. But what if-

North Korea was snapped out of his thoughts by Canada.

-Good morning!

Nk looked at his sleeves to make sure his wrists can't be visible and turned around to Canada.

~Canada POV.~

I realized that I scared NK a little bit since he jumped a bit at my 'good morning'

-Hope I didn't scare you!

-Can you leave me alone? I was doing something.

I noticed that all of his drawers were open like he'd been looking for something. I saw that one of the drawers had a blade, but I didn't think much of it.

-What are you looking for?

-Nothing, go away.

-Okay finee..

I went to my room and sighed. How was I going to get on his good side? He doesn't seem like the chatty type, but I'm sure that he's just in a bad mood so it will be okay.

I grabbed my backpack and went to class. The class hasn't started yet so I started chatting with some people to make some friends. The bell finally rang and about 10 minutes after NK came in the classroom like he's not even late.

~North Korea POV.~

I went to my seat and sat down hoping people won't notice that I'm wearing black fabric on my wrists.

The bell finally rang and surprisingly the class was normal. I didn't get any weird looks or anything.

I got up and went to my locker. Canada walked up to me. 'Is he going to be everywhere I go?!' I think to myself.

-Hey North, whatcha doing?

-None of your business, go away.

-Aw come on, why do you hate me so much?

-Look, I don't want anything to do with you, just because we're roomates it doesn't mean you can just bother me whenever you want

-I know, but I wanna be friends with my roomate!

He steps closer and I step back.

-I don't care. Switch roomates then.

-No! I'll find a way to make you my friend.

-Whatever, no you won't.

-You will see.

He smiles and walks away. I blush a little. 'His smile is adorable. Wait what?' 'Ew I'm not gay.' I think. I slap myself and the blush goes away.

~Timeskip to the next class~

"And that is how- North Korea, are you paying attention!" Said the teacher. "Mhm." I said. It was an obvious lie, but I didn't want to go to detention. All I wanted to do is just lay in bed without being bothered. "Then repeat what I said." She said. "North Korea are you paying attention" I mumbled. "What was that?" "North korea are you paying attention.." I mumbled, but louder. The teacher sighed. "Forget it. Pay attention next time North." The teacher said with an annoyed expression.

~After class~

I walk to my locker to get my books for the next period. Nothing out of ordinary.

I walk to my next class and sit down. This period I sit with my brother, SK. I hate sitting with him because I can always hear him talking to his friends during class. SK finally walks into the class and sits down next to me.

-Hey North.


The bell rings and the teacher starts talking. SK is also chatting with his friends so nobody could hear. In the middle of thr class he stops and asks me:

-So North do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch tomorrow? Please, you never do.


-Come on, North with an attitude like this you'll never make friends!

-I don't need friends.

-Yes you do! Everyone does!

-Not me.

-You mean you don't want friends? You may not want any, but you need some!

-How many times do I have to tell you! I don't need friends.

-Come on North this is why all of your friends left you! You could never make good decisions for yourself! Your friends got bored of you can't you understand?! Try something new for once! This is why people hate you too!

I don't think anyone else could hear what he said. I took my backpack and ran out of the classroom. The teacher tried to stop me, but gave up. I just went straight to the dorm. I needed something to get my mind off this shit.

I ran into my room. I threw my backpack on the bed and sobbed quietly for what felt like hours. I opened my drawer and saw the blade. I was tempted to cut. I took off my bandages and slid the blade against my wrist, quietly sobbing. 

I heard the front door open. 

961 words what the heck? sorry I'm bad at writing stories tho u can suggest what should happen next because i have no idea.

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