Chapter 3

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please read a/n

i know i said this is discontinued but i got some motivation to write another chapter so here it is

also if you want me to continue this pleasee tell me how to continue this because i have no ideas

I quickly threw the blade in my drawer, trying to put my bandages back on.
It hurt. A lot.

The blood was seeping through the bandages a little bit, but I didn't care, I just wanted to hide all of this as soon as possible incase Canada comes in.

I thought I was finished bandaging (is that a word) my wrists until I looked down.
There was a puddle of blood, I didn't cut that deep did I?! What can I even clean this up with what the fuck?!

I was panicking. I quickly took the blanket from my bed to cover the blood.
Real smart, North. A lot of people have blankets on their fucking floor.
What else can I even do though, wait I'm dumb I could've just cleaned it up with a towel.

I put the blanket back on my bed.
Now there's blood on the blanket and the blood is still on the floor, nice. It looks like I got my period.

I heard footsteps approach my door.
I forgot he was there and I can't even go to the bathroom to get a towel since he's there.
Umm okay then I'll put it back on the floor I guess?!

I put the blanket back on the floor, thankfully there was no blood on my bed.

Canada's POV.

Why did North even run off like that? I think I should check up on him..

"Umm Mr. (random name), could I go to the bathroom?"

"Fine, don't take too long." He sighed as I got up from my desk and left the classroom.

I found my way to my and North's dorm. I swiftly opened the door.
I heard some shuffling in North's room so I stopped to listen.

Since I was at the front door I couldn't hear much from his room.
I walked over to his room and opened the door. I saw North with a panicked expression and a blanket over the floor.
You know what, I'm not even gonna ask why that's there..

"What's wrong North? Why did you just run out of the classroom?" I asked the boy.
"Mind your own business and leave me alone." He glared.
"Geez, I'm only trying to help."
"Do I look like I need help?"
"Yeah, you do."
"Okay whatever, now get out."
He pushed me out of the room.

I'm going to find out what's up with him. Seriously though why would he put a blanket on the floor, and why was he panicking?
He was talking to SK when he was in class and then he ran out, maybe South could know what's up with him?
Yeah, I think I'll ask South the next time I see him.
Wait I completely forgot I had to go to class, I said I was going to the bathroom!

I rushed out of the dorm and ran to my classroom.
I opened the door, panting and went to my desk.

I saw South as I sat down. Should I ask him now or after class?
Well, I could get in trouble for doing so right now. But if that'd be the case then how can South talk to his friends right now?
Okay maybe I should think about that later and focus on the lesson right now.

North Korea's POV.

God, he's so annoying. Why did I have to have a roomate?!
Well, I guess he's better than my brother. Being roomates with South would be a literal nightmare. He's so annoying.
I mean, I thought that nobody could be more annoying than him, and I was right.
Umm okay I think I should clean up the floor now.

I went to the bathroom and got a towel.
I went back to my room.

I put the blanket back on my bed and started to clean up the blood on my floor.

Once I was finished I put the towel back in the bathroom, I'll wash it later.

i'm re-reading this and i'm cringing so hard omfg-

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