Holding back mental shifts

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Hi welcome to my Polytherian experiences book, be free to write your own experiences in the comments ^^

Holding back mental shifts is a Very hard thing for me, I live with 4 other people in my house and non of them understand what a therian really is so I can't shift at home, and when it's not at home im in a store or school, which is really bad because I never get the chance to shift. My shifts include barking, whining, growling, biting, dog play, meowing, hissing, cat growling, scratching, etc, stuff that cougars, black foxes, German Shepards, and Arctic wolves do. The only time I get to shift is in my room which isn't really big and that makes me upset at times in my shifts, so I want to go outside at times or wander around the house on all fours and bark at my cats. Which really embarrasses me when I'm done with my shift because my family is like "wtf were you just doing, your not an animal stop it!, Why do you do that??" So it's just really hard for me to have time to shift, and not only that but every time I hear a dog bark or howl I always feel the need to bark back or howl back, or even if a dog is just passing by I want to bark and growl and get on all fours and fight or play with the dog. Though it is a good thing my little brothers are autistic (IK THAT SOUNDS REALLY BAD BUT JUST WAIT) because they don't understand that what I'm doing is weird and sometimes they like to play with me as dogs, I bark and Chase them and stuff, the only thing is biting, when it comes to that which is easy to hold back. But besides my brother's when I don't need to mental shift I chew on EVERYTHING, I mean like every single thing, wood, plastic, cotton, toys, sometimes I feel the need to bite someone when threatened or fight because I'm an beta, moving up to alpha (that's my wolf therian side) or when I feel like a cougar I miss and cat growl, and I want to pounce and scratch, it's hard to hold back. Its so hard to hold back because when it comes to me and anger issues I'm very aggressive in fighting, and other stuff. So it makes me feel really angery whenever I have to hold a shift back, and recently my shifts have been becoming more common in cougar shifts, my most common to least common are
Wolf: first
Cougar: second
German Shepard: third
Black fox: fourth
They are all pretty common but they all have a pattern to them. OH I DIDNT EVEN MENTION IM ALSO PART OTHERKIN XD  I'm dragon otherkin as well, I shift sometimes but rarely, anyway, leave your advice or stories in the comments, they would be really helpful ^^ thanks and bye

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