what is your Kin-Type

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!!THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO MY BFFL LEGALSUPERKITTY/ LEGALWOLFYKITTY!!! She's trying to figure out if she's a therian, polytherian, furry, and what's her kin types, it would be greatly appreciated if you guys could support her for those who will and are going to read this :3

So, mostly I don't understand this stuff, I just usually understand and know what I am because I started my therian story at a young age, BUT who said I couldn't try to explain it ^^

Soooo I found out what kin type I was by seeing my behaviors and connecting them with the animals I know behaviors like wolf and fox behaviors to obviously wolves and foxes, but sometimes you need to be specific about the behaviors to know your exact type of kin type. Like to know what type of wolf you are of what type of fox you are like black fox, red fox, Arctic fox, etc, like are you introvert, extrovert, both? Do you like meats? Do you like hanging around with others or do you prefer to be alone, are you hyper and energetic or laid back and chill, you get the idea. It's these types of questions that kinda connect it all and tie it up, ask yourself these types of questions often but yet again also keep up with the types of animal behaviors like "do you howl often? Do you feel the need to be on all fours often? Do you ever feel a tail or ears feel like there connected to your body? Do you enjoy meats alot? How do you feel around dogs you don't know? Bark often or meow or growl when your upset or mad? Maybe even whine and want to roll over when someone or something scares you???" Keep asking yourself these questions and maybe you can find yourself and answer ^^!!

Maybe even take a few online tests to find out?? And if you find yourself your kin type, learn to accept it and fit  at a right place with it. Though if you find yourself uncomfortable with your kin type, maybe try to keep looking, or find a way to get used to it, it's up to you, it's really nice to look for help and ask questions to older therians for help when you don't understand something :3 and if you still don't understand then don't be lazy, DO RESEARCH!!! GET PRODUCTIVE DANGIT >:3

Thanks for reading and feel free to help and support legal on her questions, she's new to the therian place and needs some work hehe~ ^^ so here's a few questions to ask yourself if you feel like you need help finding your kin type or what you are :3

Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Do you like meats?
Are you active or lazy?
How often do you get hyper or playful?
Do you enjoy company?
Do you howl alot or feel the need to?
Do you stay up late or sleep early?
Does your sleep schedule change in winter?
Do you growl at people you feel uncomfortable with or bare your teeth at them?
Would you fight or flee?
Pack or no pack?
Do you enjoy hunting?
Are you cooperative with others?
What do you feel like most?
Have you ever been in a mental shift?



XD SORRY for that last question. Now connect all those answers to those questions to animal behaviors and do your research, thanks for reading this all, bye bye!!

Stay PAWsome

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

~🐾my Poly Therian experiences🐾~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें