Chapter 1: Golden Masks

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The next thing that I remember, is a hospital. I think that perhaps when I passed out from exhaustion, I was found by someone and I was taken to a hospital. I remember a girl named Kaylee. She had golden hair and pale skin, so pale that if you had put her in a snowstorm she would be camouflaged. She was nursing me back to health.
At first, I thought maybe I had gotten into a car accident on my way from my college to the forest- My college was 2 miles away from the forest. When I saw her fangs I thought it was a hallucination. When I told her about the "Hallucinations", she told me it was not a hallucination, they were real.
She walked me to a mirror after she fed me numerous potions. To be honest, I would drink them again if they weren't medicines. She combed my hair, with a golden brush while her little sister, cleverly named Bailey. Got me a cape, and clothes that looked as if she had raided her closet for me, she shoved the clothes to me. Muttered what sounded like a curse to me in folk-speak.
         Kaylee pointed to a curtained, semi-circle room.  Her long beige finger, with pink, gold, and white nail polish, looked so graceful. I trudged to the fitting room and put on the clothes. "Where am I going?" I asked, confused. The shirt was short-sleeved, yet the long pink overcoat, plus the cape on me made me sweat, in the already boiling room.  She didn't answer. This was quite frequent, she seemed to only speak to me in phrases as if I was just a robot, not being able to understand more than one phrase at a time. Not saying that robots aren't cool though if you told me robots weren't cool, well... there would be blood on the floor.

        "Follow," she said blandly if I was not freaked out about where I was and scared, who these people were I would have cracked a joke.

       We were in the lobby, a plain bleach clean room, that stank of blood and tears. Everyone's faces were not visible one way or another. Kaylee grabbed a silver mask and quietly murmured a few words in Latin "de animabus satans primum area haunting condemnabitur,"

What does that mean?

As if she read my mind she said in English "The damned souls of satan are haunting the first floor." She took a silver mask off of the peg it was dangling from, and put it on her face, motioning for me to do so too.
A few minutes the masks were on our faces and we were driving in a black automobile, Kaylee I stared out into the grey-ness until the sad song pulled me into slumber.

I stood in a field, on a windy day. A girl who looked like me but with ruby red hair was walking in a long white dress. Her face was full of tears. Then she seemed to see me and she said "I was forced to do this, you have to not go there don't. " but her cries all clashed with a band and she was gone.

My eyes fluttered open, the tires screeched to a halt in a second, and due to lack of seatbelt, I was flung forward. Kaylee came outside and opened the door. She pointed and explained what I should do, and then went away.

I knocked on the door and a girl opened. She looked shocked, she hurried me to an office and sat me down. My fingers played with a fragment of my clothes. I heard yelling through the almost-soundproof walls. When two people came in, One a man with a golden mask and greying hair, he wore a black tuxedo. Another man came in, unlike the other man this man was broad-shouldered and had raven black hair. They stared at her when the man with the black hair said quietly, but fiercely

"Take off your mask," 

         His eyes through the mask were poison. I was surprised, even though I did, the man with the grey hair, made a strangled sound. He scrambled to bow and elbowed the man with the black hair in the process.

        "Dad," The man groaned like a child, "The poor mortal doesn't even know who the hell we are." He must have noticed my paling face. "Oh, yes. My name is Reign Gray, and this is Damien, Damien Gray, Crown prince of Elversdoon."

Glass: Book 1 of the Crown of Branches seriesWhere stories live. Discover now