comfort crowd

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Chapter 4: Comfort crowd


I just needed company now

Yeah, I just needed someone around

Yeah, I don't care what song that we play

Or mess that we make

Just company now

Comfort crowd

Comfort crowd


As soon as she had said that I burst out into a jog and she followed. And as soon as I was ten minutes away, I started walking. A gust of air blew past me, in my cloak, short-sleeved shirt, and Capris I felt as cold as snow my face was a bit warm from running but not too warm enough to keep my body from freezing.Then I saw a small Pub. It's read 'Kings bar' Smoke was coming through the chimney I walked in


As soon as I entered, the pub, my guts leaked. it was as warm as a sauna but on the floor Amber glasses went through my shoes. the sound was pounding making my heart's forcefully found along with the music so much that my chest hurt. On the ground a man with a bust up lip, eye, and nose lay on the floor, blood and amber covering his bruises. Winter flew above the humansI sat in a seat in the far back as a cloaked stranger approached me. His bottle was full of an unidentified liquid.

"Why are you here Ariana. I told you never to come back " the cloaked figures booming voice filled the small part of the tavern.

"Wro-,"I started

"You know that the Shadowwarden is coming to destroy this part of the world." the figure proclaimed launching into a big lecture

"Ummmm.... I am not the right person. My names not Ariana." I said

Even under the cloak they bushed and flipped off the cloak revealing Fisher

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Same to y-," he started but was interrupted by a loud scream.

"THE SHADOWWARDEN IS HERE." A girls voice errupted.

Glass: Book 1 of the Crown of Branches seriesWhere stories live. Discover now