Chapter 3: Fear

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Chapter 3:Fear

song: Fear of the water- Syml


Some ancient call
That I've answered before
It lives in my walls
And it's under the floor


The ghost seemed to ask questions only Damien could answer. She made motionings in the air, to which Damien answered

"Her name is Olivia,"

More motionings

"I'm good, how are you?" he asked playfully, smiling as he talked to the ghost of his mother, she twirled around a slip of her hair and smirked. That was when an airy trumpet song sounded from a ghost silence filled the already quiet room, that was loud moving air sounds that once inhabited the large ballroom. He made an airy smacking of his transparent lips. Ghosts pulled their hands to their faces their mouths shaped into a huge gaping o's. His mother made more motions and he gasped. "C'mon Olivia, it's not safe here" he ordered tugging my hand as he left the room pulling me into the candle illuminated hallway again.

"What about the ghosts?" I asked.

"They are already dead, they can't get harmed." he briefly answered, although his face seemed to be swallowed by all the shadows, she could hear the worry in his voice, terribly masked by his self- assurance. That's when I saw all the portraits pointing to the everlasting darkness behind us. I looked behind us for a second and my body felt as if it was stuck, and the world faded into a black canvas. I could hear the shadows lurking behind my eyes.


When I woke up, I was in a white room, tucked under a bed's bleach-white sheets.

Where the hell am I? Was the first question I had, my mind flashed back to the day's events, I was looking at my phone, which was oddly charged, for it was on the white dresser. On the lock screen, it said 'Today is November 11th, 2019' I got up, A post-it was stuck near the phone and in scrawny, cursive handwriting it said

When you are done having a bath, there are some clothes on the iron box, change into those and come to the foyer, the room next to the library

I stood up, immediately my hands flung to my head. I noticed that somehow, as I entered the bathtub was full of water, that was hot for my liking and chamomile bath salts scented the water, some vanilla candles were lit up and as soon as I stepped into the water, my body felt as if the water lifted up all the weight on my shoulders, and until I noticed that my fingers and toes were pruning up.

I walked to the iron box that had a shirt that was similar to the one I wore to the manor. Except this one had minor differences. This one unlike the striped dress-shirt was a peacock blue and had flowers and was poofy on the bottom, complete with a pair of grey leggings. Quickly putting on the clothes, I opened the door and clutched onto the post-it. Its sticky side clung to my hand.

Eventually, I had found the foyer. In its gilded beauty a wooden, flower-covered piano playing fear of the water by Syml. There two people stood. Well, rather two people and 1 ghost. A, a tall, lanky boy stood, that was curled and short his pale skin could rival the ivory moon is cloak covered the entirety of his body out together by a small silver and gold Crest along golden chain held a small clock he seemed absorbed into rather than Damien's piercing gaze burning through his body.

"Fisher," croaked Damien, filling up the awkward silence." Are you even listening to me?" when Fisher did not answer Damien's tried it forward and grab the clock taken by surprise he swirled two words, Damian, his cloak swishing around him and his locks twinkled in the fuzzy pink Lights of the room.

" what the (insert curse word here)." fisher cursed at Damien. I said the colorful adjectives we're not enough Fisher made a rude finger gesture at him

" Brother." groaned Damien. Brothers?

They looked like Polar Opposites, Fisher's blonde curls and pale skin contrasted with Damien's black cropped hair and blushed skin

"always a pleasure," replied Fisher sarcastically smirking at his Brothers fuming face and clenched fists. then Fisher noticed me. "a dumb mortal how interesting Brother" my hand reached up to stop him and I am happy to say I did.

" A feisty little human how fun!" he added wrapping a red spot on his face

" this little human has named its Olivia," I said feeling my brown hair was not covering my face anymore. Then Fisher clapped a servant to his side the ghost and whispered into his ear desert went dutifully nodded and went into the kitchen moments later goblet that for some reason had Fisher face printed onto it filled to the brim with the Scarlet liquid that was reflecting in the pink lights

"Are you allowed to drink?" I asked

"It's not" the Damien as he plugged his nose " here smell."

He brought the red liquid to my nose, and then I noticed it was not wine, it was blood. The thick liquid stank of metallic blood. Now even though I was now 2 feet away the scent was still lingering in my nose.


That night I was wandering the corridors in a restless manner. I reached an area where a ghost was dusting the furniture with a pale duster. I ducked into the corner so he would not notice. As I found a wall, being a dead end, I saw a puffy figure. Damien's mom she indicated to the knife that was floating with her, she traced a space in the wall, and gave me the knife, she indicated the knife being stabbed into the wall. I mimicked her and cut, the walls let out a moan as if I was carving its heart open. And then I saw it, a doors outline covered by ages of wallpaper. Then when I was done carving the door she and I stepped out and she gasped.

"You aren't safe here."

Hi, it's me, Luna! so at the end of the chapter, as you can see, she speaks, although Damian told Olivia that ghosts can't talk, the reason why she can talk is going to be revealed next chapter. Also I am making a cast list so please feel free to comment who I should use as a person in my cast list!



Hello this is future Luna. So I had Fisher's original name as Octavian so I hope that clears up some confusion. 

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