Gilbert ~ 9/02/1183

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February 9th, 1183

It is with reluctance but grave necessity that I write this letter to you.

I write this knowing never again will you and I meet face to face and this thought both saddens and relieves me.

I want you to know who you are, to know where you came from.

I am your father, Torvald Beilschmidt, I am a knight of the Holy Roman Empire but I never imagined I'd be unable to protect my home which originally lay at the border of the kingdom of Franks, and because of this failure your older brother, Gabriel, has been killed. I am sorry you will never get to meet him or your mother who died giving birth to you, she died loving you.

If your mother could write to you she'd tell you to live your life doing what you love. I never deserved a woman as kind as she and I was blessed with the birth of you and your brother.

Your brother Gabriel was only eight, but he was wise and well mannered and he was strong too, I'm sure he'd have been a fine knight. I wonder what you will come to be.

I've abandoned my post temporarily to bring you into the heart Of the Holy Roman Empire to a small village where things won't be chaotic, I hope that here you can grow to become whoever you want to be.

As your father, I hope to give you any words of wisdom I can before I let you go.

Always fight for what you believe in, for the people you love and the home you have chosen.

Do not focus on the pain of the past and try to move forward.

It does not matter where you came from, you choose what home means to you.

When you find someone you love, if that day comes for you, do not ever let them go.

Lastly, I know you may look different than the people around you but do not be afraid, fear nothing, fear no prejudice or racism and be who you are.

You are of my blood and I know you will be amazing.

I must part from you now, I am going to continue to fight for this empire and have made it my purpose to avenge your brother, I hope you find something you love so deeply you dedicate your life to it.

To my dear child, Gilbert Beilshmidt

~From your father Torvald Beilshmidt

Promise me you will live a long happy life, this hope shall bring me peace

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