Gilbert ~ 2/03/1183

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Gilbert was wailing. This wasn't unusual. Even though he was old enough to make other sounds, old enough to coo and mumble unintelligible sounds he seemed to favor wailing. He would cry so loud it's as though he thought he'd never be heard.

Sister Elke was rather fed up with it but now she was the one caring for him.

Sister Antje was on bed rest sick with whatever was going around the village. They didn't often rely on men of medicine but Antje's condition became crippling and no one wanted the children to get sick in her presence.

'Poor Antje' Elke thought as she cradled wailing Gilbert. 'Why does he cry so often, is there something wrong with him? Maybe he really is sick' Elke worried to herself.

To her surprise when she brought her finger to his mouth to silence him he grabbed it. She was in awe of how tiny human hands could be. His fingers curled around hers and he stopped crying for a moment and made a curious cry as he examined her finger closely.

Then he attempted to suck on her finger and she brought it away from him, causing him to cry loudly again, tears streaming from his eyes once more.

"He never cries with sister Antje," the priest pointed out when he came to check on the commotion.

Sister Elke sighed in frustration and held out the bundled baby for him to take instead. He hesitated but held the child who immediately silenced.

Sister Elke looked shocked and a little annoyed, perhaps the brat didn't like her was all it was, but she and the priest both noticed Gilbert, as he reached for the rosary the priest wore, in curiousity.

He'd been reaching for things lately, curious and in wonder of the world he was starting to see more clearly.

In a soft voice she hoped wouldn't alarm him Sister Elke introduced Gilbert properly, "Gil, this is father Gerwig," she whispered and Gil continued to coo as he tried to bring the rosary down to his mouth.

Father Gerwig smiled, so did Sister Elke, but only because she no longer had to watch him so closely. When Antje got better she could care for him again. But Antje would never get better.

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