Chapter 9 - MingKit First Kiss

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[Nine POV]

Chpps chuupps chupps

I feel something soft and wet touch my face. I open my eyes and see Joong looking at me.

"Morning P'Nine."

"Eh, good morning Joong."

"How was your sleep P'?" He ask me with his eyes still looking into mine.

"hmm, just.. like usual.” I replied while trying to get up from my bed.

Yes just trying because my attempt failed. Joong suddenly hugged my body tightly.

"P', you didn't ask me how was my sleep? I slept very well, P', I like it more than usual.” Said him while trying to put his lip to mine.

"Eh..." I quickly turn my head aside so that his lip only touch my cheek.

"Why P'? I want to get my morning vitamin…" said him while pouting his lips.

"What kind of vitamin is that? We just woke up and.. you don’t know that there is such thing as morning breath."I replied while standing beside my bed.

"So, after we get rid of this morning breath, can I kiss P'again?" He ask enthusiastically.

Ckckck, this kid, always thinks from the unexpected side.
I feel my cheeks heat up.

"ckck Whatever." I ran into my bathroom. I hear his laugh before I close the door. Ckckck this kid.

After taking bath we get ready to go to the set. When we reach my car, he open my car’s door for me.

"What are you doing?! I'm not a woman. ”I say feeling slightly uncomfortable.

I immediately enter my car and close the door in front of his face.

He silently get into the car and sit next to me.

"P', I didn't do that because I think  P' as a woman, I just wanted to do it, I’m sorry if I made you upset." He said as he put my safety belt on.

I see his eyes and feel the sincerity of his words.

"Yeah, I'm also sorry for yelling at you earlier, it's just that I ... have never been treated like that, so it's feels weird and feels too much." I tell him my opinion.

"Yes P’, I understand." He said while stroking my head.

Ckckck he said he understand, but still touch me like this. What’s wrong with this kid, why he suddenly getting braver like this, is it because of yesterday's kiss ...?

I drive my car calmly.

After 30 minutes we arrived at the shooting location.

"Nine, Joong, how do you feel today? are you ready for today shoot?" Asked the director.

"Yes P'!" Joong answered confidently.

"Nice Joong, I like your spirits, keep it up! Let's start it, get ready from Kit who is trying to wake Joong up. ”

We follow the director's direction until the scene we sleep on the bed. Shhiit, this scene reminds me of what happened yesterday.

"Okay, take 1."

I felt Joong turn his body towards me. I open my eyes follow the script.

I look his face, shiit, he is so handsome even though he still young, but his looks were already visible. shiit nine, you have to focus on this scene.

Suddenly Joong opene his eyes and put his finger on my lips. Okay Nine, you are Kit. I tried to hypnotize myself.

He kissed my lower lip and suck it, I reply his kiss, I nimble his upper lip. after that he stopped and return to his position.

Shitt nineee say your dialogue!
"What’s up?"

"So, you are faking?"
"seems real?"

"Can you remember? What did I say..? I would kick you if I know you are faking? "

"I believe you are not a harsh person."

"Eii Ming!!" I  kick him pretty strong.

"Cut!!" said the director.
I immediately see Joong.

"Joong, are you alright?"

"Hahahaha, calm down P', I'm strong." He laugh.

"Ok, your acting is great, did you practice before?" The director asked us.

"Ehhhh," why the director ask that? I just stand still because that question.

"Hahaha, P'... can we take it again, I feel I can do be better than that" Joong begged the director.

Shhiiiitt, what's wrong with this child, the Director clearly said that was already good.

"I like your spirit, Joong. Ok, let’s take more."
We repeat this scene again.

For take 2, I felt Joong crushed my lips longer than before and I just reply what he did to me, I felt my ears heat up.

Then Joong ask the director to take the scene again because he feels he was late to opened his eyes.

Kyaa ... this kid must have other intentions. We do that scene for the third time. He pressed his lips against mine, he nimble my upper lip and kiss me stronger than the last time. When I want to release our kiss, he bites my lower lip.

After that I continued my acting and finally the director shouted "Cut!".

"Okay let's move on to another scene, you guys are very good." The director said.

We continued our shoot until dark, and finally we returned to my condominium.

After arrive at the condo Joong said that he wanted to take the shower first. It's very rare that he wants to take a shower first. I wait for him until he finish.

I shock when I see him walked out from the bathroom. he only wears his short. Shiiit what will he do this time?!?!

Uh, what's with the mark on his body? I also approach him to see the mark clearly.

Joong, what's wrong with your body? I touched the blue color on the left side of the body.

"Ouch, it's okay P'." he repied while trying to smile at me.

"Isshh, this is not the time for you to smile, you are hurting. Why didn't you say anything earlier? "

I lead Joong to lay down on my bed.

After he lay down, I immediately looked for the ointment I needed. "Ckckc, where was the ointment when I needed it?"

"Maybe in the 2nd drawer, that's where you put your medicines." Joong said.

I also open the second drawer. Nice finally found it. I Immediately check the expired date first. After making sure the ointment is safe, I get closer to the bed.

"Here P 'sit," Joong patted the empty side beside him.

I sat next to him and tried to apply the ointment to his bruises.

"Are there any more bruises?" I asked him to ensure that he already okay.

"There's one P’, on my thigh." He said, smiling mischievously.

"Ishh, don't think anything weird Joong!" I said while tapping his thigh.


"Ehh, are you okay, it’s really hurt??" ask me while stroking his thigh softly.

"P', if you continue do that, It will make me feel pain down there." Joong said.

I  paused and thought for a while.

"Ehh ,, shiiittt. Put that ointment by yourself." This kid's mind is crazy.

I immediately ran to the bathroom.

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