{Two} Tycer

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"PINKKK!!! PINKKKKK!!!!!" Yelling could be heard from downstairs. Pink, already annoyed, headed downstairs to see Alex standing by the door. 

"Whatttt." She whined at him, stifling a yawn. She had been up for hours the previous night, trying to rack up some wins in Overwatch, which, did not turn out in her favor. So, here she was, sleep deprived, and face to face with the most annoying person on earth, Tycer, her Ex Boyfriend. 

"Tycer?" She cried, mouth agape at his surprise visit. 

"What are you doing here?" Tycer looked down at the bag in his hands, and seemed to reconsider, before holding the bag out to her.

"I-... Um... Saw this? And remembered you really like, er liked it? So I brought you some..." Tycer looked down after speaking as if looking at Pink would mean starting a war.

"What is it?" She asked, annoyed at his intrusion.

"It's, uh, sparkling water? Strawberry, and um, I thought I remembered you liking it." Tycer handed Pink a paper bag containing the drink, and stood there nervously. 

"Um. Thanks? But, you can leave now."

"Oh, uh, I was hoping you could try it now? That way I can get you more?" Tycer continued, making Pink steadily more annoyed. 

"I'm busy Tycer," Pink started.

"But you were sleeping." He pointed out, making Pink groan in frustration.

"Yeah, busy sleeping. Now go!" Pink finished as she pushed him out of the house, and locked the doors. She saw Rusty walk up to her and Alex, who, she just remembered was beside her during the whole exchange, how great of a friend was she? Anyways, Pink handed the bag with the drink in it to Rusty, who immediately shoved it deep in the fridge, just in case. Tycer was right though, she did love sparkling water. She looked at the boys before sighing.

"I need a break from all this," she started. "Can we go do something in the Void?" 

"Sure." Rusty said, so Pink instantly bolted down to the basement, eager to get Tycer off her mind.


For once, Pink was the first one in the Void, without even waiting for the boys, she jumped, but her past with Tycer became her only thought as she fell deep within the Void.


She was in her old house, just standing beside her bed, Rusty and Alex appeared a moment later, a bit out of breath, probably from running after her.

"Where did you take us?" Pink asked Rusty, confusion evident on her face.

"I didn't take us anywhere, you did" Rusty said, also confused.

"What do you mean?" She said, trying to decipher what the heck was going on. But as she looked around, she noticed something off about her bed.

Someone was laying in it.

Roomies~Adventures of a Void ||DISCONTINUED||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora