Little misters

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-Mr Headless, Mr Stripes and Mr Forgetful are seen as the 'babies' of the twenty siblings as the are seen as more naive than the other Little Misters.
-Mr Hot really wants his own children as he's seen how other people will willingly listen to him about their children to help them. Many personel think he'd be a great dad, but he can never have that family.
-Mr Laugh only enjoys his abilities if he can do stand up comedy.
-Mr Life and Mr Death, Mr Scary and Ms Sweetie are seen as the oldest of the twenty siblings as they do the normal older sibling stuff like giving advice.
-Mr Redd, Mr Scary and Mr Lost hate being seperated from their other siblings.
-Mr Mad is the party animal.
-Mr Life and Mr Death and Ms Sweetie are wiccans.
-Mr Brass is actually the most introverted.
-Mr Lie got Ms Sweetie into cosplay. One time, they cosplayed Gonta Gokohara and Kirumi Toujo from Danganronpa V3.
-Mr Hungry is constantly cooking in foundation. He's an SCP of culinary talent. Ms Sweetie is the baker of the foundation.

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