Chapter 6

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zzzZzzz zzZ .....

(I can't believe she already fell asleep after just a minute of laying down..
   She seems so frightened awhile ago, so how can she sleep so fast?. And then here's me, still frightening myself from what jisoo have said. Annabelle likes me? what a joke, it's just a joke, chaeng.. A freaking scary joke! C'mon, if  you really want to live your life without anyone's help, you should start nowFighting!)  *takes a deep breath

*get out of bed and wear my plush slippers

   I should shake off my fears and go downstairs to get some of water cause i'm so freaking thirsty.

*opens door and went outside
*leave my door opened, just in case
*on my way to stairs, when i heard something, or should i say, someone..


*all hair on my body stands up
*step backwards

MOMMA! Does someone just called me? No, it's just my imagination.. Annabelle isn't true. The Conjuring is just a movie... *muttered

*tilt my head to see if lisa still sleeping,
Yes, she is.. She's snoring

Ok, i can do this! Soon, i'll be living on my own, no lisa, no jennie, no jisoo. I gotta do this.. I'm a grown up woman. I have to be brave. I can do this! *whispers

*in the middle of the stairs

*hears someone's sobbing

Mom-my... what is that? that's nothing. It's just a cat or a mouse (who can call my name?) don't mind it. I can do this.. I have to reach the light switch and get a glass of water.. *shivering

"Hu hu hu chaeyoungie.."
"someone's murmured

W-who's that?! Heeello?!!

*cool wind blows
*feel the breeze
*a dead silence in the whole house

What the f*ck!! *covered my mouth
I can't do this! MOMMYYYYY.... *closed my eyes and run for my life, like there's no tomorrow

(I don't care if i can't see anything.. Once i reached my room, i'm gonna hide under my blanket and never gonna watch a horror movies again!) *ran like flash

*reached my room
*jumped into bed then hides on a blanket

*lisa wakes in surprised
*saw chaeng hiding on a blanket, shivering
What's going on? Chong ah, are you okay? *worried

Lisa you wouldn't believe it.. It's so creepy! I'm so scared. *shaking

What happened?

I- i hear someone's crying..




I don't know..

Don't be scared, it's probably just a street cat. *patting her back

But, it called my name.. twice!

Obliviously, Rosé.. [Chaelisa/Chaennie]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ