𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"you don't have to apologize

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"you don't have to apologize."

chapter eight - after ;

after jisung was cleaned up, chan and felix brought the small boy into the living room. changbin looked up from his notebook, smiling at the three of them. "hey sungie," he said, a smile obvious in his words. jisung turned to him and gave him a cheeky smile. "hi hyung." once chan set jisung on the living room couch, changbin came and sat next to jisung. he cupped the boy's chubby cheeks, jisung leaning into the touch. "you feeling any better, baby?" jisung blushed at the question, but nodded. "good, that's good baby." "jisung's back?" the two boys turned to seungmin, who was leaving the bathroom. changbin nodded and smiled at seungmin, who came over and kissed the top of jisung's head. "hey, ji. how're you doing, love?" jisung hummed, and then answered seungmin with, "i'm good. feeling tingly." seungmin internally cooed at that kissed jisung's cheek. "i'm glad that chan hyung and felix made you feel better." jisung smiled and leaned into seungmin's touch.

minho smiled at the two boys as he began to make dinner. he was glad that jisung was feeling alright, but he knew that another wave of heat would hit again, he just didn't know when. but as long as he was alright right now, that's all that mattered to minho.

snapping minho out of his thoughts, chan came up behind him and hugged his waist. "hi love," he said as he kissed minho's neck. minho smiled and sighed a breath of relief. "hey channie hyung," he replied, turning around to see chan. he kissed chan's forehead and let chan rest his head against his shoulder. "you alright, love?" chan hummed. "how was it, if you don't mind me asking," minho asked, and chan lifted his head. "it's weird, min. he's in such a vulnerable state and i don't wanna do anything to hurt him, you know?" minho nodded. an omega in heat doesn't think straight and is in a state of want and need. an omega will do and say anything in that state, but really won't mean it. "hyung, jisung trusts you. he knows that you won't do anything to intentionally hurt him or make him feel bad. there's a reason you and felix were with him, ok?" chan sighed and smiled. "how do you always make things better?" minho laughed. "it's just my thing, channie. now, i need to make dinner, and if you aren't gonna help, then scoot."

the rest of the night was pretty lazy. seungmin, jisung, changbin, and hyunjin were all cuddling on the couch and watching some stupid drama on the tv. minho began to make some dinner for them all, and it smelled so good. the boys were so hungry, and minho thought it was cute how they would do anything for some food.

"alright guys, dinner is finished." minho had made some bibimbap, and the boys were excited. "thank you hyung," changbin said as he, along with the others, began to eat the dish. "it's nothing," minho replied as he set a rag down in order for him to eat some. "i enjoy cooking for you guys." the others hummed as they ate.

dinner with the boys was either silent or rowdy. it was one or the other, not in between. today, though, was different. "so," chan starts as he has a sip of some water, "i thought this would be a good time to talk about some stuff." everyone sets their utensils down and look at him. "there's obviously an elephant in the room," chan explains, "and we need to confront it in order to remove this weird tension." "we all know it's about jisung being an omega," hyunjin says out of nowhere. "it's not like no one knows. we all know that's the reasoning. even jisung himself knows." "it's not just him being an omega, though," changbin says. "when you say it like that, it sounds bad." hyunjin's eyes widen as he turns to jisung. "sorry if that came out bad, sungie." jisung shakes his head. "it's fine. i should be the one apologizing. i should of told you guys that i was an omega when i first found out. i shouldn't of kept it to myself. i'm sorry if that i caused this," he motions to everyone and the awkwardness, "to happen." "don't apologize," felix's voice cuts in. "i get. in a pack full of alphas and betas, finding out that you're the only omega can be overwhelming. it shouldn't of happened, sure, but i get where you're coming from." jisung smiled at felix, who smiled back at him. "as much as i love this," seungmin says, "what are we gonna do now? remember, everyone thinks that he's a beta, so how are we supposed to tell them that he just suddenly presented and is now an omega?" seungmin made a good point. to the rest of the world, they were an eight member pack that only consisted of alphas and betas. "we just have to announce it. that jisung hyung presented at a late age and is an omega. if people are going to be that mad about someone presenting late, then that's their own problem," jeongin said. "we can't just not tell everyone. what happens if we have a schedule that lands during his heat? what are we gonna do then? everyone will be confused as to why there's a strong scent and why jisung hyung is clutching onto his stomach." "jeongin's right," felix says. "people would start to become suspicious. do we really want a rumor to go around the jisung's an omega, or just tell everyone straightforward that jisung's an omega? because i would rather go for option b." everyone nodded, then turned to jisung. "what do you want," chan asked, taking jisung's hand in his and rubbing his thumb across jisung's knuckles. "as much as i don't want everyone to know," jisung started, taking a deep breath, "it would be best to publicly announce it." chan nodded. "then that's what we'll do. i'll ask some of our sunbaenims about it, too." everyone nodded, smiling and feeling content. "now, let's finish dinner and get some sleep. we have a long day tomorrow." the others nodded before finishing up dinner, and getting ready for bed.

they truly would have a long day tomorrow.

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