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"i didn't realize how much you've been overthinking."
chapter twelve - thought
jisung woke up first. he wasn't an early bird, per se, but he woke up earlier than minho, that's for sure.
he crawled out of bed, after shimmying his way out of minho's hold, and tiptoed towards the bathroom, quietly shutting the door behind. he let out a breath, not knowing why he did it. he brushed his teeth and washed his face, as he does every morning, and left to the living room.
chan, hyunjin, seungmin, and jeongin were already up. seungmin and jeongin were making breakfast, which seemed to be not going so well as they were yelling at one another in a harsh whisper. chan was watching them, sitting at the bar in their kitchen, probably freaking out on the inside. hyunjin sat on the couch, watching a new show of some sort.
jisung walked towards hyunjin, taking a seat right next to him. hyunjin didn't react much, taking a quick glance towards jisung before returning to watching the show. jisung rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder, and thought that resting his eyes for a few more minutes wouldn't hurt him.
the next time he woke up, everyone was awake. chan was still watching over the kitchen, with changbin writing something, probably lyrics, next to him. seungmin and jeongin were still in the kitchen, except felix had joined in and they're now yelling instead of whispering. hyunjin was, obviously, still sitting there, as jisung was resting his head against his shoulder, and now minho was also laying down, his head in hyunjin's lap and now watching the show.
jisung blinked a couple times, registering his surroundings, before lifting his head up and stretching. minho looked up, and said, "morning sung." jisung blinked at minho a couple times before responding. "morning hyung." "hyunjin told you about this show? it's cool." jisung looked at hyunjin. "what is it?" "stranger things." "isn't that an american show," jisung said, it finally clicking in his head as to why it was in english. "yea, but i have to learn english somehow." that made sense for hyunjin. he was actively trying to learn english, so he could talk like chan and felix. as for minho, though, he was still confused. "minho hyung, do you know what they're saying?" minho shook his head. "but they talk fast. is that even a real language? it seems so weird." jisung laughs. that was such a minho thing to say. "yes hyung, that is a language." "shh! mike and will are arguing!" hyunjin and minho turned back to the show, focusing intently, and that was jisung's que to leave.
he walked towards chan and changbin, taking a seat next to changbin. he rested his head on the countertop, facing changbin as the boy wrote on the paper. "what're you writing, hyung," jisung says, watching as changbin's hand writes quickly on the paper. "just lyrics, sung," he responds, his eyes not leaving the paper and his hand not stopping.
once jisung realizes he was bored of just watching changbin write lyrics, he decided to pay attention to the mess in the kitchen, which was exactly what it sounded like.
you see, the youngest three were trying to make breakfast, but now it turned to a literal hell. they had dropped about four eggs on the floor, which were cleaned up but still a bit sticky on the floor. they were going to make pancakes from scratch, except they didn't have enough milk or flour for that, so they had a bowl with water, sugar, and eggs all mixed together. and currently, they're arguing over who burnt the bacon and scrambled eggs.
so to say jisung was amused was the minimum. "you guys, uh, need help," he says, cracking a smile and keeping himself from laughing. all three of them turn to him, and say, "no!" he throws his hands up defensively, backing away and going to his room.
closing the door behind him, jisung let a giggle thinking about the kitchen situation. and he laughed a bit harder when he heard hyunjin screaming at them.
he walked towards his desk, grabbing his notebook and pencil and sitting on his bed. he grabbed his phone and earbuds, shuffling his playlist and writing lyrics to distract himself.
to be honest, jisung was a lot more nervous than he came off. he didn't expect to be an omega, for one, and he didn't know how to deal with heats. the only omega that he's close with is his mother, who's an average omega who takes suppressants due to her age.
and he was worried about being alone, worried about variety and music shows in the future, worried about being around other alpha idols, etc. there was a lot to worry about when it came to being an omega in the idol world.
and so, he wrote lyrics and things of the sort to release this built up nervousness. it wouldn't completely go away, but it would die it down, even if it was for a couple of minutes.
so for the next twenty minutes, jisung wrote down lyrics, little poems, fictional stories, and even drew a couple pictures. it gave him time to release some emotions and it distracted him.
and because he was listening to music, he didn't hear when changbin knocked at the door a couple times. and since he was looking down, he didn't see when changbin walked in the room.
"jisung," changbin said as he sat across jisung on the bed and took one of jisung's earbuds out. jisung looked up at changbin, pausing his music and taking the other earbud out. "you good? i called your name, like, five times." "oh," jisung responds. "sorry, hyung. i was listening to music." "i see that now."
the two sit in silence for thirty seconds before changbin says something. "you thinking about this whole omega thing?" jisung blinked a couple times, fiddling with his hands. "how'd you know?" "sung, i've known you since you were a teenager. i've gotten good at reading you." jisung nodded. "it's just, what if i'm not good enough? like, it's not that my body's not prepared, because it's the body of an omega, but i'm not ready for this mentally. like, at all. this sucks and i'm so stressed and variety shows and being around other alphas and i don't know if i can mentally take that." jisung has to stop himself from rambling on, ending it quickly.
changbin stares at jisung before scooting towards the boy and bringing him to his chest. he wraps his arms around jisung's waist, jisung hugging changbin. "sung, i didn't realize how much you've been overthinking." and to be frank, neither did jisung. "i'm sorry. i know there's not much i can do, and i'm sorry." jisung shakes his head, pulling away and cupping changbin's face. "you guys have done so much for me, to make me feel safe and content. it has a lot to due with not being used to omegas in general, but with you all here, i'll get used to it." changbin smiles, kissing the top of jisung's head. "now, how about we go see the disaster that is the kitchen," jisung says, and changbin nods, grabbing jisung's hand and exiting the room.