Chapter 1- Things are complicated

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Friday morning, 9 a.m., and I just packed my bags. I was heading to my parents' beach house in Malibu for the summer. My dad bought the beach house a few years ago. We spend our summer vacations there. My parents were entrepreneurs and business partners, making money off inventions on kitchen appliances. Anyway, this story is about me, a 20 year old Black gay guy studying at Westbridge University in LA. I was slightly chubby, wearing my denim shorts, a red check shirt, and a black T-shirt underneath. I was ready for this road trip. Well, not necessarily happy, there's some part of my life I'm not happy with, but we will get to that. 'Yo, Brandon, are you done in there?!', my best buddy shouted behind the door of my dorm room. Oh, and my name is Brandon Young. 'Yeah, Xavier, come in!'

In entered a dark-skinned, slim guy with brown eyes, wearing a white tank top and ripped blue jeans. 'You done packing or you just stalling because you don't know wanna be near your family for the afternoon?', and I chuckled. I sometimes hate the fact Xavier knows me very well. Here's the truth: I'm really not a big fan of my family. There are many reasons to mention, one of them includes them not being very accepting of my sexuality, except my annoying little brother who's actually fine with it. However, I do try to bond with them, this is the part of my life I don't like. Look, I would love to get along with my parents as much as the next person, but I can only dream.

'Earth to Brandon, hello?', Xavier snapped his fingers in front of my eyes. 'Oh sorry, I mean, yeah, we should really take our time before we go to Malibu.', and he chuckled. 'Cool, but you driving.', he said with a deep voice as he pointed to the car keys next to my bag.

Xavier was my best friend since I was 4. We're the same age. Friends come and go, but Xavier goes nowhere. However, we're legally brothers since my parents adopted him when we were six. His parents died in a car accident and his uncle didn't want to raise him. I immediately came up with the idea to have him as a brother. It's still a rough wound knowing his parents died when he was really young, but what I love about him is he's always real with me, when I found that I'm gay at 16, he gave me a big hug and told me that doesn't affect our friendship. He watched my fake friends come and go and each time he took the moment to support me. He is definitely a brother to me.

'Nice ripped jeans by the way.', I said and he smiled. 'Thanks. I figured my white tank top would go well with it, hope it's ok.', and I chuckled. 'Dude, it's fine with me. Please hold my bag while I call Amanda. We'll meet her on the way.', I said and he nodded. 'Gays first.', Xavier opened the door and then chuckled. 'Very funny.', I chuckled and left.

'Well, Amanda answered my call and she's just about done packing.', I said to Xavier just we reached my car.

I unlocked the car while Xavier put all our luggage in the boot of the car.

'Honestly, I still can't believe your parents got you a Ford Eco Sport for your birthday.', Xavier said and I chuckled. 'Sometimes I...', I trailed off as my eyes darted somewhere else. I was looking at a really hot, tall latte jogging by wearing a black tank top, black sports shorts and black trainers. I can't believe I actually described my crush as a type of coffee, you have no idea how hot he was.

Yeah, the man I was looking at was definitely my crush. We had the same class together this semester and I couldn't stop staring at him since... I'm sorry, it's just when he talks he takes my breath away. We talked, once, on the first day. The minute he looked at me, he...

'You know, you could just go over to him and talk. I mean, he seems nice. Remember how he left his pen in his dorm room and asked if you had a spare pen?', Xavier looked at me with his devilish grin. Xavier just ruined my backstory. Anyway, that's how my crush happened.

'Yeah, Xavier, I remember. Go check on Amanda.', I said and he gave me the salute before he left. Let me... is he stretching?

'See? Just look at him.', Xavier said to Amanda and she chuckled. 'Well, Well, Well.', Amanda winked and I shook my head. 'So what do you think of my light pink short lace dress with light pink heels, does it bring out my blonde hair and blue eyes?', she beamed while she kept turning. I smiled at her because I know just how fashionable she is. 'Of course girl, now get your luggage in the car and let's drive off.', I said to her as I went to the driver's seat.

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