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Authors note:
Hi everyone, this is my first book so I appreciate any constructive criticism in the comments (emphasis on CONSTRUCTIVE) hope you enjoy xoxo, ur dear author

*thwack* "ouch!" Marinette yelped as she ran into Ms Bustiers desk.
"Marinette, late again? What a surprise" ms bustier said in a sarcastic tone, her sweet smile on her face made marinette believe she meant no unkindness in her words.

"S-sorry Ms Bustier m-my uhhhh croissant caught on fire t-this morning" Marinette spluttered out hoping her lame excuse would work. In reality there was an akuma by the name of Shine Time, an upset dancer that missed her spot in the ballet company. Her sparkles and glitter shot from her pink tutu, blinding ladybug and chat noir as they fought; mix that in with her natural grace and agility, it was a tough fight to say the least.

"Alright Marinette" Ms Bustier chuckled shaking her head. She knew it was a bad excuse but she loved hearing what new one was coming next. Marinette's lame excuses was one of the highs of her day, and though lying shouldn't be encouraged, she could tell marinette didn't mean anything bad of it. So she let it continue.

"As I was saying, before Miss Marinette interrupted us, is that in celebr-"before Ms Bustier could finish she was yet interrupted again! But this time by a tall blonde boy.

Adrien burst through the classroom knocking into Marinette who was still idly standing by Ms Bustiers desk. They both went down in a pile of tangled limbs Marinette being on the bottom with Adrien on top of her almost touching if it wasn't for his toned arms keeping him in a plank position.

"S-s-sorry Marinette" Adrien stumbled out. He tried to make it sound manly but was caught off guard by his close proximity to Marinette, "has her eyes always been this blue?" Adrien wondered as he stared deep into them seeing all the different blue shades of specks in them, he quickly snapped himself out of it. Ladybug. He scolded himself. With ease he quickly picked himself off the ground and offered his hand to marinette.

Marinette was now almost completely red in the face, flabbergasted by Adrien's shock appearance. She didn't know whether it was because Adrien was late and "Adrien is never late, I would know, I check up on his schedules daily and he had nothing on this morning. Besides he likes coming to school, so he was nearly always the first one here everyday" she told her herself. Or it could be the fact that he was sprawled on top of her with nothing but his toned, tanned arms separating them, nose distance apart, she could feel his minty breathe on her cheeks. Not only that but he seemed to be intently staring at her or more so into her. Staring into her bluebell eyes for what it seemed like forever, she didn't complain, she wouldn't mind havingAdrien on top of her and staring into her eyes forever. Marinettes daydreaming soon came to a halt because as quick as a flash Adrien was standing up and offering his hand to her. She reached out and grabbed ahold as he pulled her up with ease and planted her back on her feet. "T-thank you, Adrien" she blushed even redder looking up into his bright green eyes, they reminded her of newly budded leaves in the spring time.

They were both jolted back to their senses by Ms Bustiers claps. "Marinette, Adrien take a seat." She ordered "Now before I get interrupted yet again, what I wanted to say was that in celebration of nearing the end of the year and summer beginning, I have planned a class excursion to the beach!" Ms Bustier said with a flourish of her hands.

The class cheered!

"Thank god girl, I was starting to loose my tan" Alya nudged marinette.

"What do you mean ? You are already so tanned!" Marinette giggled

"Yeah, well I'll need to get more tanned to share some with you girl, you're so pale! Honestly do you ever leave that design room of yours?!" Ayla teased.

Of course Marinette ventures out into the sun more often than Ayla thinks, due to her other.... personality. But the suit prevents her from getting burnt since it covers 90% of her body. Add that to the fact that it has sun protection radiating from it (to protect from sunburns in different climates e.g when their was the Egyptian ladybug) she was quite pale. Therefore could not argue with Ayla's point, not that she would argue with her anyway. Ayla's journalistic abilities mixed with her sassy personality meant that she born to both defend and attack. Sadly Nino had to learn that the hard way when they got into a discussion of what phone was better iPhone or android (Ayla was iPhone and Nina was android) and lets just say Ninos never fought with her since...

Adrien also got a nudge in the ribs, but it wasn't from Ayla. Instead from his super-cool Dj friend, Nino. "Dude do you know what this means?!" Nino said exasperated.

"" Adrien answered

"Beach day....swimwear....girls in swimwear....specifically......bikinis" Nino replied, his eyes glazed over.

"I don't even want to know what he's imagining Ayla in right now" Adrien thought to himself. But then a similar thought popped into his mind... "Marinette in a bikini.... Stop! No! Bad brain! Bad thoughts!" Adrien reprimanded himself feeling his face furiously flushing a colour of red that would put Nathaniel's hair to shame.

"Oh boyssss" Ayla cooed snapping them both out of their crude thoughts and back into reality. Adrien quickly turned his head around to face Marinette and Ayla wondering if he had somehow been caught with his sexual thoughts. Marinette was giggling beside Ayla "This is the third time we've called you guys....What's up with you two?" Ayla teased.

Both Adrien and Nino looked at each other in panic "w-w-we were just thinking aboouuuuut" Nino started then whispered "dude, help me out a bit please" suddenly Adrien shouted

"SNACKS! WE WERE WONDERING WHO IS BRINGING WHAT SNACKS, OF COURSE" Adrien followed up with some fake hearty laughing to cover up their incredibility. Nino joined in with the laughing then slapping Adrien hard on the back, which was basically telling him to shut himself up with the laughing.

"Riiiiight" Ayla sneered peering over her glasses before talking about snacks, and what ones they should bring, and who should bring which ones before interrupted by the bell.

They each said their goodbye and went their seperate ways to go home and prepare for one hell of a beach day tomorrow.

Beach day - A Miraculous Ladybug Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now