Chapter three

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I woke up as we were pulling into a driveway, I saw some horses galloping around having fun. Soon I saw a horse, a foal, it was following its mother. They were galloping to the other side of the paddock. Just as we were about the pass there paddock I saw a glimpse of something.

"Stop!" I screamed undoing my seatbelt, everyone looked at me and we were still driving slowly. It was almost a complete stop but it wasn't so I opened the door and jumped out. I stumbled a bit but as soon as I found my footing I ran.

I jumped the paddock fence a million thoughts running through my mind. When I reached where the mother and foal where now standing I saw a horse. I checked it fully over leaving the legs to last. The front foot was broken.

The mare was pushing me and going to bite me but I moved out of the way in time. I didn't know what to do. The others rushed over to me, my head in my hands as they reached me.

The horses breathing kept getting shallower, it was stressing out. "Do you have a gun?" They thought for a slit second then nodded.

"Ace can you go get it, it's in the boot of the car" so his names Ace... I shouldn't be thinking that right now I shock my head and hit it a could times with my hands while I'm thought.

"you ok?" Ace had arrived back, I made a hmmm sound in reply "I grabbed a lead rope and halter for the mare" he handed out the lead rope and halter. I fiddled around with it for a bit since I had never held a halter before or put one on. I've only ever seen a horse when I was doing my internship with a vet.

"Need help?" He chuckled at me

"No I have it" I said getting angry at it. I fiddle more trying to figure it out. "Fine, here" I said pouting angrily pushing it into his chest. He grabbed it off me and I turned around to see Ash and Ronan already almost at the car.

"Done" I turned back around seeing the mare haltered "where do you want her?"

"Just take her over to the car somewhere" he nodded and walked off. The foal came up to me and neighed sweetly before heading back to its mother and following her. "Cute" I said quietly before loading the gun and aiming it at the horse.

I walked back to the car, gun in hand. I put it in the boot of the car and got in. For the rest of the ride all I though about was the bang of the gun going off and the sight of blood flowing from the wound in its head.

Ace had put the mare and her goal into the mares old paddock from what I was told and had walked to the house instead of going back in the car.

The ride quickly ended and we walked in. I meet the alpha and the Luna of the pack, soon to be replaced, and I unpacked in a room. I was told the room belonged to their other son.

The house was big and I got lost a lot, I was so used to have a really small house. The alpha seemed to give me weird looks but I thought it was just me thinking that.

A couple days after arriving at the house it was Ronan's coronation thing. He was becoming alpha and I was going to get accepted into the pack.

I woke up and had a quick shower before getting dressed into a simple white dress with a brown twisted belt. I walked down down the stairs to the kitchen all the boys were in a suit and the Luna was in a sweet blue dress.

When I came into their view Ace mutter something under his breath. " what was that?" Questioning to make sure he wasn't hating me.

"N-nothing" he stuttered back. I looked at him in the eyes and he turned away blushing slightly.

"It's obvious they will be mates" Ash said to Ronan and the Luna. They both nodded in reply. I looked at thing questioningly, I've never heard the word mates before other than when talking about animals mating.

They all ignored my look. "Ace said something along the lines of cute" the Luna said. Ace stared at her before getting up and leaving.

The rest of the day went swimmingly I joined the pack and Ronan and Ash were now the pack leaders.

Over the week one by one the horses got sold, all except the mare and foal, both didn't have a name. I called them, Alawana and Eclipse.

It's been a couple months from then and Eclipse has become a yearling so now I get to getting my bond with them better.


I hope you are enjoying the story

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