Chapter Five:

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"You do realise that I hate this more than you, right?" 

"Shut up, bitch! I hate this more than the grinch hates fucking Christmas." Bakugou mutters, smashing into his third bowl of curry. 

Mitsuki leans over and smacks Bakugou right in the back of the head, "Learn some manners!" 

"This has nothing to do with you, old hag!" 

(Y/N) begins to zone out at this stage, this being the tenth fight the two hot-heads have gotten into. Bakugou's father wasn't in for the night, due to work and such, (Y/N) wonders if he has the same personality as these two. 

"So, (L/N), how are your parents?" Mitsuki asks, finally deciding to stop smacking her son over the head. "I used to know them back in school, never really talked to them though." She smiles, "Proud of them though, who knew that they would be millionaires?" 

(Y/N) shuffles in slight discomfort, there was no issue with her family life, it's just that she didn't particularly like talking about everything. 

"Hop off it, old hag." He stands up and grabs (Y/N)'s wrist noticing that she finished with her food. "We'll do some homework and then you can fuck off home." 

She just wants to go home now. Yet, she complies, her feet soon turning rock solid once more, and she's not feeling anything really at this moment. 

Bakugou stares at her feet, raising an eyebrow, not out of curiousity, no purely out of annoyance. "Don't break any of my shit, got that idiot?" 

(Y/N) scoffs in amusement, "I'm surprised you haven't burnt down your house yet, you ashy fuck." She states, the rock disappearing from her feet as she enters his room. 

(Y/N) stares in bewilderment, "Yo, you actually clean your room?" 

"Why the fuck wouldn't I?" 

(Y/N) stares down at the hand still latched around her wrist, "Mind letting go, hotshot?"

Bakugou drops her wrist, immediately before making his way over to his desk to grab his homework sheets. "Do you actually understand this shit?" Bakugou sneers, sitting on his chair as he peers down to see his sheet. 

"Well yeah, I did get to Yuuei due to recommendations." 

"Get your head out of your ass, snob." 

(Y/N) doesn't know how many times she's been called that now, she understands why of course, it's just a name that will always stick with her. 

She shrugs her shoulders, sitting down onto his bed. "Shoot me some questions, and then I'll do you." 




"Agh! Not like that!" She screeches, both teens at this stage flustered before Bakugou clears his throat. 

An hour goes by, and the two teens could basically recite the homework sheet by heart.

"I might get going now." She stands up, before collecting her things. 

"Finally." Bakugou mutters. 

"Fuck up." She begins to leave his room though something makes her stop. 

The sound of thunder, as well as heavy rain.

"Oh, fuck me." She sighs as she pulls out her phone. Her mother rings her just as she pulls it out. 

"(Y/N), please stay where you are, no one is allowed out on the streets, we don't want to put Alfred in danger. We've already talked to Mitsuki, she says it's fine for you to stay there."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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