Chapter 2 part 1

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The sound of beating eggs continued. Fei Sheng Zhe was determined to beat those eggs well. The whisk in his hand moved hard and the egg liquid bubbled.

He secretly bowed his face wondering: 

Does this guy have a problem? Too much food for breakfast! But, he told me he wanted to eat, and I'm really doing it! What was I thinking?

The more he thought, trying to understand, the louder the sound of the egg shake became.Unconsciously, there were a couple of eyes behind him, watching him as he beated the eggs. It had been a long time since someone had cooked for Shi Yi Jie. Those eyes, framed by the glasses, revealed great expectation.

I hope this guy's food isn't bad. However, aren't you beating the eggs too much?

Fei Sheng Zhe turned and saw the man watching him. His face turned red and he said angrily: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen someone beat an egg?"

The teacher replied calmly: "Yes, but I had never seen anyone beat them for so long"If I had to calculate all the time, half an hour had already passed!

"I ... I need to beat them well, because it's too bulky and needs to be fluffy, don't you understand?" To hide his grief, he used some ridiculous words.

"The egg doesn't swell?"

He really was a tyrant teacher.

"I need to do this!" He turned and continued to beat hard.

But it was too much for just an egg!

Fei Sheng Zhe did not see that the corner of the man's mouth rose slightly in a smile. 

This guy really loves to cook. Those were Yi Jie's thoughts.

Fei Sheng Zhe finally took the egg bowl in his hands, wrapped the fried rice with the egg and, in a quick action, the omelet was served in front of Shi Yi Jie. Xiao Fei said: "Eat slowly. This dish is enough. If it's okay for you, I'm leaving now!"

When the boy went to leave, he was caught by the man.


Fei Sheng Zhe turned.

"I want Mr. Heidelberg too," he pointed to his omelet.


"You're not serious! How old are you to want faces painted on your meals? Even more Mr. Heidelberg?"

The young man's heart was trying to refuse to look at the ketchup, but his hands and feet seemed to have a life of their own. He opened the closet, took out the tomato sauce. He grimaced at the omelet, not wanting to make a good drawing.

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