Chapter 1

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Hey guys!  Find Me I'm Yours is full of original artwork, graphics, Instagram pics and more.  Since we can only post one pic per chapter on Wattpad, I'll note where a pic or a video is, and if you follow me, you can receive the links to see the pics, videos, and live links to websites. 

I'm pretty sure I spotted him at the 99¢ store, buying a can of deviled ham. Ya gotta love a boy who eats deviled ham AND appreciates a bargain.

(boy with deviled ham pic)

Or that could have been him at the ATM carrying a tuba. Who frickin' takes a tuba to the bank?! I could easily fall in love with that.

(boy with tuba pic)

Or he might have been at Intelligentsia, ordering a Dirty Chai and sporting a killer tattoo.

(dirty chai boy pic)

I think I see him everywhere. At the Laundromat with headphones on, not realizing he's singing along way loud; walking his one-eared dog.

(one-eared dog pic)

But what am I gonna do? I'm too shy to go up to any one of these random strangers. And what would I say? "Hey, Random Stranger, I have reason to believe you just might be my soul mate"?

And, really, I can't even say the word SOUL. Back in the day it meant something. Like sweaty Gospel churches, or tortured love poems:

"If you were here, if you were only here,
My blood cries out to you all night in vain
As sleepless as the rain."
-Sara Teasdale

Soulful, right?! But now SOUL has been so diluted, misused, and abused. Case in point:

(chicken soup for the soul pic)

(What, are there so many Horse Lovers they had to publish a second volume?)

But I'm certain he's out there. Well, most likely. Possibly. Maybe? I fucking hope so.

I've believed in true love since I was five years old and fell for a boy named Boo who took off all of his clothes while we were at the top of the Wonder Wheel at Coney Island, and threw them into the Atlantic below. His mom bought a sequined cape off the back of a fire eater to place over Boo's naked body, and we rode the subway home, my first love covered in stardust.

There've been several boys since Boo (none with such a cool mom!) and every time I think, THIS IS IT! But then each Mr. HIM clearly does not see me as Mrs. HER since they: 1. Lied. 2. Cheated. 3. Said they just wanted to be friends. 4. Slept with my next-door neighbor (yeah, that was my most recent ex, Jason, who I was with for a year and a half). Good times.

It's been one month, one week, and four days since I broke up with Jason. It's a big improvement that I stopped counting hours and minutes. And at least I'm not so far gone that I ever counted seconds! I've been quite mature around this breakup. Here's proof:

(jason pic)

Anyways (or is it singular ANWAY? I always mess that up-and TOWARDS or TOWARD? Same.) So anywho... I'm sure if I went up to any of these guys, it would be an epic fail. Most boys are looking for someone taller, bustier, and hot pantsier. I'm always the pretty girl's best friend. The one who in her senior year of high school shaved her legs in stripes. The one who can't see the E on the eye chart without her glasses (sure, I find the cutest vintage frames poss, but still...). And my style? I'm known to cut up and sew halves of two different cardigan sweaters together as one (yeah, you ain't the only fashionEEKsta, Tavi Gevinson!).

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