25 | and the chess game begins

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***edited december 30 as i realized an entire section of dialogue hadn't been saved during their pillow talk lol

WARNING: consensual self-harm? blood play i guess lmaooo



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"Good." The CEO glanced around the reconstructed DNA genome laboratory. Previously, the floor had been a pharmaceutical testing lab that Dr. Pryce oversaw, but Roman decided to piss him off by gifting it to the Aera Corp geneticists.

"Tom Archer and his team are coming in two days, just in time for the gala," Dr. Pryce continued with a barely disguised sneer at what was once his area of domain.

The 18 year old casually set his hands in the pockets of his coat. His family were expecting him soon, he had just one more thing to do. "I have a task for you."

The scientist glared. "You've already cut my budget and this floor from my work, Roman, I don't have much room for any tasks." He had worked for the company for over a decade, did all their dirty work and then some, and yet he was still at the behest of an arrogant 18 year old boy. If only they all knew the truth...

The small vials in Roman's open palm silenced him.

"Blood samples? Who's? Yours?"

Roman looked at the new instruments and technology that had cost quite a bit. He owned all of it and if he could, he would do the work himself. He would get rid of Pryce of he could as well, but the man knew too much. "I want any mutant genomes tagged. I want to know if I can reverse it."

The asian man raised his brow primly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"C'mon, don't act like you don't know what I am—you always were my mother's little handyman." Roman said handyman as if it was a different derogatory term. He loomed over the scientist with a dour expression. "I know you drugged me six months ago, when I found out about your little secret." Dying had it's benefits, as well as a girlfriend who healed with a touch of her hand, which included parts of his memory he hadn't known were clouded. "I know you don't like that I'm in control of this company, but I don't really give a shit. The Hospital Ward always welcomes an expanded budget, Pryce."

"You wouldn't dare." His eyes filled with rage at the threat. It was a symbiotic relationship—they hated each other, but needed each other to succeed; the bottomless Godfrey wealth was a necessity to Pryce's work. As young and arrogant as Roman was, he was just as manipulative and clever as his mother.

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