life is great

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School is going good, life is good I've got the perfect boyfriend and a awesome best friend. I go to my locker than rolecall. I haven't seen Jake hope I get to see him later. Anyway not to brag but life right now isn't as bad as I thought, no homophobes, no rude people, no idiots no hard work everything is falling into place, its like a fairy tale except no girly rainbows or unicorns no band members standing outside your door. As I rant on in my mind I'm totally zoned out yet focused. When school out I take a bus that goes to Jake's house. I knock on the door and a lady answers, his mom "hi mrs spurbeck" I greet friendly" Hello Caleb? Is it" " yes, may I come in, is Jake home?" I question "yes, I'm afraid he's sick, why don't you surprise him with some soup I made" I go into the kitchen as she shuts the door behind me, I grab the tray with soup and breakfast on it and carefully take it up to jakes room I walk thru the door and smile at him "hi you feeling ok?" I ask with sympathy "sick" he replies " I see that and your mom told me, she seems nice we should hang out over here more" I stop ranting and hand him the tray of mixed food as he eats I sit next to him, scoping out his room, its decent and nice. " how was your day" he ask " I missed you" I whine nicely, he smiles, looks like he missed me too..I guess? I turn on the radio its just too quiet with the noise of him slurping and me talking inside my head " I love your drawings and such" I turn to Delilah's station 96.1 I think? She plays some good songs, I sing little then stop when I realize how horrible I sound, psides Jake seems more like the hot, singer, guitar player, me a painter a drawer, even thought I don't paint and draw a little. It gets late and I lightly hug him goodbye, taking his tray of now overs to the kitchen. I text him on my way home

"goodnight hope you feel better xo- chase" I take a quick warm shower, the water feels nice against my skin, I just got this new body wash, Irish Spring its decent. I lay down on my comfy bead and turn on degrassi because nothing else interesting is on. I fall asleep.

(haven't updated in a while, how is it so far xx sory but I'm back c:)

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