Being Watched

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( alright fair warning im playing them how I think they would be played don't like it don't read sorry )

Jeff The Killer-  
I've always been a paranoid person. Always looking over my shoulder, checking things, paranoid over certain questions so on, so forth. But lately my paranoia has been on an adrenaline high. I glanced over my shoulder as i unlocked my door making sure no one was behind me. When i didn't see anyone, i slipped inside my home, closing and locking the door. That paranoia feeling never left me when i entered my home, it normally does. I slipped off my shoes feeling a gaze on me. It would be normal if i was outside, but I'm inside now. I walked towards my windows making sure that they were closed tightly shut and locked. 
Walking inside my room to get ready for bed. I slipped over to my closet and pulled out some nightly clothing. Glancing around me seeing my window and curtains were opened. I raised a brow, " I don't recall opening any windows today." Speaking out loud to myself.  I quickly closed them before going back to my clothing, slipping them off and placing the nightly ones on.
Glancing around my surroundings once more, still feeling that gaze on me. A deep frown was present on my face, " Paranoia is getting the best of me today." muttering to myself as i slipped into bed, covering myself up. I looked around my bedroom one last time before closing my eyes, falling asleep.

~Jeffs pov~ 

Well i be damned. Now that was a sight i enjoyed. Chuckling quietly to myself as i slipped out of the shadows and over to a window. I had a problem i needed to fix after seeing something that hot. Not killing this woman tonight, that's for damn sure. Licking my lips, tasting my own blood, as i slipped into the night.

Ben Drowned- 
For as long as i can remember, I've always been a gaming person. Zombie games are my favorite type of game. But for right now, I'm playing some Mario Kart online with some of my buddies. Kicking their asses as well! Sitting there in front of my TV, the tip of my tongue hanging out as i was turning my body along with the remote as the character on the screen was doing the same. Always been a habit of mine, always getting told to quiet it, but fuck them, i do what i want. Just about ready to cross the finish line when a bastard comes rushing past me using one of the speed boost things and beats me, " Oh you son of a bitch! REMATCH!!!" shouting out at the TV through my mic. 

Smirking as i won that second time, " That's right, I'm the champ we all know it!" Grinning like a bratty bitch the entire time. But it soon faded when i spotted a being inside the game, a being that isn't part of the game. I raised a brow and moved slightly closer to the TV, my eyes never leaving him. " What the?" Hearing a bunch of what's coming from my mic, " Guys, do you see that being in the game?" Hearing a bunch of no's caused me to raise a brow once more, " Strange. Never mind i guess." Shrugging before standing up, " I gotta hit the sack, I'll be on tomorrow, night guys." Sighing off of the system then turning my TV off. I rubbed my tired eyes as my mind drifted off to that being, " Wonder who that was. Might just be a glitch in the game. " Talking to myself as i slipped onto my bed, " Hope not. " muttering out as i got under the covers and closed my eyes, going to sleep.

~Ben's pov~

What a fascinating woman, most mortals would be frightened over something like that. Smirking to myself as i slipped from the TV, " Might actually have a challenge this time, good. These pathetic mortals are starting to bore me. " 

Dark Link-     
I wasn't a good gamer, frankly, i suck. No matter how hard i try, i can't win. I mean look at this zombie, it's freaking huge. My fingers were rapidly spamming the buttons, trying hard to come up with a way to beat him alongside my teammates. They were bots, suck just as much as i do. My eyes widened as we managed to beat that son of a bitch. I threw up my arms, yelling out, " Finally! Yes about freaking time!" A smile rests on my lips, getting back to my game, well trying to. It's not letting me unpause the game, " The hell? You've got to be kidding me. I go through all of that trouble only for you to freeze up! Like hell that's going to happen!"
I was known for my anger, so right now i wasn't in my gaming room, taking a break from it before i drop kick the TV. 
Slipping inside my gaming room. I growled out, " Oh now you wanna be on static and ruin the ENTIRE game. Thanks, piece of shit!" About ready to kick the screen, when the picture came back on and the game was unpaused. My eyes widened as my character was moving on its own, walking right into a zombie that will instantly kill you. " No no no no no no no!" Screaming out at the TV, " Oh FUCK!!" having to watch my character die,  " What the fuck just happened." Hearing a deep chuckle ring through my ears, " Holy shit." backing away from my TV, " I need sleep, that's it, I'm not going crazy, I just need sleep." Turning rushing out of the room.

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