Chapter 19

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"We'll take my bike." Yibo decided when they reach the basement parking lot.

"My car!" Xiao Zhan declines.

"My bike!" Yibo insisted.

"My car!" And Xiao Zhan persistent.

Yibo is going to blurts again when Xiao Zhan comes closer sassily, then dusting off his jacket. Yibo is freeze!

"Yibo, my dear.... If we take your bike, you can't kiss me at the red lights," Xiao Zhan pursuing Yibo. Then he grins.

"W-who says?" Yibo suddenly stuteres. His face turns into tomato's colour (though tomatoes have the green colour, too).

"I say, mu darling.... How can we kiss with our helmets on?" Xiao Zhan chuckles to his own words.

Yibo grins sheepishly.

"Yeah... You are right, shou shou.." Yibo agrees.

Unexpectedly Xiao Zhan beats his chest hard. Yibo grunts to the hit.

"Don't call me shou shou in the public. I warn you!" Xiao Zhan scolding Yibo.

"But you are my shou!"

"Don't you dare!" Xiao Zhan pointing his index finger at Yibo's nose.

"I love you, shou shou.." Yibo puts Xiao Zhan's finger away from his nose and smiles.

Xiao Zhan huffed. Then he stomps into driver seat.

"Shou shou! I'll drive!" Yibo says.

"No! I drive! " Xiao Zhan rejects.

"If you drive,, you can't rummage into my body!" Yibo smirks.

"Why is that? Why should I rummage into your body?"

" You like it!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

" When did I rummage into your body while you are driving?"

"When you are drunk last week!"

"That's when I was drunk! Now I'm sober!"

"But you will do it!"

"I won't!"

"Wanna bet?"

"I'm not affraid!"

" Let's we prove it!"


"I'll drive!"

Xiao Zhan throws the car key to Yibo. And he realized that Yibo just tricked him.

"You!" Xiao Zhan snaps.

Yibo smirks and says, "Gotcha..!"

Xiao Zhan huffed and stomps his feet. (Hahahaha.... He's really adorable like a little girl!). He turns to the passenger seat.

" So? Where we heading to now?" Yibo asks when they already driving in the not so crowded yet highway.

Xiao Zhan glances ay his watch him.

"It's only 8. Let's we have a coffee first in the coffeeshop nearby.." Xiao Xhan answers with a low voice.

"Oh, shit!" Suddenly Yibo snaps,makes Xiao Zhan alert.

"What? What happened?" Xiao Zhan is panick.

"I left my coffee on the table at home!" Yibo replies.

Xiao Zhan sighs, feels irritate.

"What the fuck, Yibo... You made me got a heart attack just now..!"

I'm The Gong And You Are The Shou (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ