cherry blossom tree

168 11 2

17th october

"wow, it's me again.

i went to the park today.
i went on a walk to the park, and i sat on a bench by a cherry blossom tree and ignored the fact that it was cold and watched life go by.

that's meant to help, right?

it kinda did, for a little. i zoned out and thought about- about just whatever came into my head, i guess.

then after a while, this old man and his dog came and sat next to me, and he started talking to me.
he was the type of wholesome sweet that lonely old men are. he has no family left, just his dog, and he told me about his veteran days in the war. it made me feel like someone interesting wanted to talk to me, which felt...

then he left and i was alone again with the cherry blossom tree, and this couple walked past me on a date, and they were so... so happy together, it made me feel happy too.

and then... i was walking back home, through the city, and there was homeless people and pollution and shouting everywhere.

and now i've got back home and i'm just sat, thinking...

the world is so complicated, you know? it functions on so many levels, and as humans in our lifetimes we only ever see a few of them. there are so many people out there; people we'll never get to meet. there's so many beautiful things that we'll never get to see...
but also so many we will.

you know?


...cherry blossom trees. i like cherry blossom trees. they're so pretty, year-round.

remember the cherry blossom tree that was in the garden when we were younger? dad planted it, the day we were born. it was so pretty.

i wonder if it's still there...

i think, when i settle down in a nice house in the country somewhere, i'll have a cherry blossom tree. i'll plant it on our birthday.

or maybe i'll have lots of them- a forest of them.

wouldn't a forest of cherry blossom trees be so pretty?

oh- i should go, i think that's issy at the door. we're gonna have a movie night.

bye... love you, rubes."

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