
125 11 0

30th october

"hola, ruby...

sorry for calling, i just- need someone to talk to.

it's nearly halloween. what would you dress up as?

i'm being a clown this year- well, i was going to, anyway. i have the costume all ready. it looks quite good, actually, but i don't know if i'll go through with wearing it. issy invited me to a halloween party and i agreed to go, but i'm kinda regretting it.
a night in with a chinese takeaway and the saw movies is beginning to look more appealing, honestly.



remember that time both of us dressed up as tweedledee and tweedledum, for issy's halloween party?
that was a fun night.

your costume was better than mine.

...fuck, i miss you, ruby.

i wish you were around to make matching costumes with this year.

but you're not.

you left.

why did you leave?

this hurts..."

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