
99 10 1

31st march


it's me again.

guess i didn't die after all, huh?


nearly, though.
i nearly did.

i saw you, do you know that?

was it you?

did you bent down and touch my face and whisper that you love me so, so much but it's just not my time yet?

because if it was you...


well, i'm kinda glad you did.


being so near to death has made me realise...

life can be beautiful.

there's beauty in everything,

and death is nothing to be afraid of.


it took your-
your sacrifice
to realise that.

so thank you.

thank you for saving my life, ruby.


everything's a little better now.

r- remember that girl from work that i- i told you about?




she and i-

we're a thing now.

she's staring at me from across the room, actually. she thinks i'm mad for doing this.

so do i, but...

i don't know. i just wanted to call again.

to- update you?

no, that sounds really dumb. ah, i don't know.


i think this'll be my last call, you know. i-


i think i'm getting better.

-slowly, slowly. it's not that easy.

it's happening,
thanks to you.



i think i'd better go.

thank you for all you've done for me, ruby;

i'll see you again someday, i'm sure.

and until then,
i wish you nothing but the best.

i love you.

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