Chapter 15

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Normal POV

Later Y/n returned back with 2 badly beat up Neji and Lee....(May you Rest In Peace)

"Ugh you nitwit why do you always have to bring me into your mess!!!"Neji yelled at Lee but Lee's hearing and vision was blurry and well he couldn't hear well.

"Huh?! Did you say something?"Lee asked cleaning his ears.

Neji just growled and looked away.

"Damn how hard did you hit him?!"Tenten said making an anime face like 0_0

"I didn't pay attention"Y/n said with a proud face not showing any guilt!

"Oh well Y/n we were all waiting for you so we can show our costumes!"Sakura said.

"Wait you guys waited for me?"Y/n said.

"O-Of Course we did Y/n Chan"Hinata said.

"Anyways let's spin the bottle again!"Tenten beamed with excitement!

It landed on Hinata......

Hinata blushes as the attention went on her....

"B-But Ino Chan I'm embarrassed t-to show my c-c-costume.."Hinata said flushed!

"Cmon it will be okay Hinata!"Ino said.

But Hinata started rambling on and no until Ino snatched the towel off.

"OMG!!!"Everyone in the room yelled flushed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





"U-Uh well y-you see

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"U-Uh well y-you see...."Hinata stuttered!

"YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!"Sakura and Tenten yelled!

Sakura and Ino both looked at Naruto to see if he would have a reaction but no Naruto was too busy with his brow making fun of Sasuke and Neji!

(Sad face sorry Hinata)

So Sakura got angry that Naruto wasn't showing any attention to one of her best friends.

"LOOK OVER HERE YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!"Sakura yelled smacking Naruto!!!!!!

"Sakura?! WHY'd you do THAT!!!"Naruto said rubbing his cheek.

"Haven't you seen Hinata's costume!!!"Sakura said!

(Since I don't want to offend those non NaruHina readers I won't do much of NaruHina unless you request it on the comments!)

Then Naruto went to talk to Hinata cuz he knew what was coming if he didn't.......and...yeah let's not go there....

"Hinata Chan looks so cute!!!"Lee said with hears in his eyes.

Y/n just glanced at him and sent him a glare!z

"O-OK OKAY I got it!!!!"Lee panicked!

"Well let's spin the bottle!!"Tenten yelled.

"I...think your excited for this..Tenten"Neji quietly said.

"Ugh this is such a drag it's so boring why did I even come here"Shikamaru said.

So they spin the bottle and it landed on Y/n...........

Everyone's attention turned towards Y/n...

Y/n's Pov

What?! Now? But I'm not read to show them my costume! I'm way too nervous for this! Now I understand why Hinata just couldn't do it....

Can you guys tell me what you want Y/n's costume to can be an anime character just pls make it something that won't offend other readers.......

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