I just realized

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You remember how you were cool?
I'd rather say too real
Never hid an emotion
This made me think alot
We were too different people
You talked too much
I talked little.
I couldn't win any argument
Because I pretended to be a gentleman
I never took you out coz am broke
I hope you understood
My life was in a mess
But don't you think I liked it that way
I couldn't look you direct into the eyes
Coz all my lies could be revealed
I believed in friends
More than I believed myself
I believed that life is a fate
What is supposed to be
It has to be
But I learnt that we have to fight for what you want..
This poem may be irrelevant
Because my words were all lies
My emotions were fake
My friends were fake
They side with you in good time
And when shit happen
They disappear
And later after you're stable
They come out of the blues
Matching colors
You made me realize that
But I think you were cool
We have never met again
But you taught me to trust in myself
To declare my stand
To build my house first
Before funding the neighbors house
To believe in my facts before getting ideas from friends
They said
A measure of a man is not where he stands at the good times but the hard and trying times

PIECES OF A CHANGED SOULWhere stories live. Discover now