Chapter vi

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Namjoon stared the harden face man in the eyes, what this man lacked in height he regained in presence. His aura was overpowering in terms of strength, he was not a mortal one should mess with, not even a god and Namjoon intended to take heed to the warning. He was already in a sticky situation caused by his own foolish nature; he had been a fool to blindly follow the mortal. He should've stayed in his cold throne. Was it the flurry of depressive emotions that had clouded his rational judgement to stay on Mount Olympus? Finding out what had motivated him to take the drastic actions he had taken had to wait, they needed to evacuate the room, as quickly as possible. He shouldn't be caught in such a predicament and that the one thing he was certain of in this moment of time. Yet the doorway remained blocked by the threatening aura despite the smaller frame of the man. They were trapped.

Silence walked through the room dragging the corpse of conversation behind it as it paced across the room at an excruciating slow pace. The silence from the intruders had been mutually established with the lack of Namjoon's voice filling the room. Jungkook and Hoseok's eyes laid fixated on their wiser hyung. They awaited his voice to give an order to which they could comply to. One that would rid them of the presence of the eerie silence. An ever-growing menacing aura emitted itself from the tiny man, but the silence was louder.

"So, what is your name Mr. Bunny?" a confident voice broke the silence. An oblivious owner where ignorance was the backbone in which courage found a footing. Ignorance was the only courageous spirit that could freely break the deafening silence. Taehyung flashed a boxy smile towards the scrutinizing eyes that were aimed his direction. His smile directed to a baffled blushing Jungkook.

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" he quired as he pointed inward towards his chest. The hue in his cheeks deepening the already present blush.

Taehyung let a little childish snigger slip through his lips as he focused his entire attention to the cutest scene he had ever witnessed. A cute little bunny blushing the brightest hue of pink just because he addressed him. The reaction was more addicting than watching the rabbits hop through the forest as nymphs danced with Jimin in the clearing close to the pool of water. Taehyung stopped his thoughts dead in their tracks. His bottom lip protruded further then his upper lip, an exaggerated pout. Why did he think the blushing Mr. Bunny to be cuter than a dancing Jimin? He concluded his thoughts by convincing himself that Jimin released a more sexual energy while he danced rather than a cute aura.

"I don't see any other bunny in this room, unless...", while the clogs of his brain started to turn slowly as he racked his mind.

Turning to face Yoongi-hyung he exclaimed, "You got a bunny without telling me!?! Hyunggg, how could you do this to me? I thought we were friends!"

"First of all, Kim Taehyung- , YOU, sir, are my liege not my friend", Yoongi strained his words." And if you haven't had the chance to examine my study and it's paper strewn floors I will kindly inform you that your servant, Min Yoongi, hasn't concealed any fluffy rabbits within my office which I solely use for the purpose of work". In the background Jin shook his head at Yoongi's sudden change in attitude and obvious lie. He didn't just work in his office he slept here too, which was apparent due to the sheets which laid thrown across the floor.

"Oof, that stung Yoongi...but you lied to me Hyung", he looked deeply into his eyes making Yoongi feel uncomfortable he tried to brush off the unsettling feeling by lowering his eyes to the paper strewn floor.

"There!", Taehyung pointed directly at the blushing youngster. All the eyes followed the finger's direction taking one look at the blushing bunny and back in disbelief towards a bashful Taehyung. Hoseok giggled beside a glaring Yoongi.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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