Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

*Leo Qi*

It’s been nearly four hours since Debbie, Sophia, and Chris vanished into Christy’s fortress. They should’ve been back an hour ago.

I’ve been restless the entire time, anxious to hear any news that might have leaked from the fortress. However, neither Alex nor Suchet had received information on Debbie’s status, as I’d been disappointed to find out the last time I checked an hour ago. I have had no way to know if she’s even alive. All I can hang onto is the promise she made as she stood on this hill right before she left, her promise that she’d be okay.

When Suchet comes racing up the hill at top speed, I immediately perk up. He skids to a stop in front of me, panting, and gasps, “They’re back!”

Before the last word has fully left his lips, I’m already tearing down the grassy hill, towards the city.

There is so much adrenaline coursing through my veins that I don’t even feel tired from the running. All I’m thinking about is Debbie. In just a few minutes, I’ll see her again.

I burst through the double doors of Town Hall, almost shaking with excitement, but all of my high hopes ebb away when I see the somber look on Alex’s face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking around frantically. “Where’s--?”

Alex cuts me off, looking me in the eye. “Leo, the mission was successful. Chris and Sophia brought the key back.”

I should be happy, I know that. But all I can think is, Chris and Sophia? What about Debbie?

I can’t move or speak. Please, let Debbie be okay…

“Debbie tried to distract Christy, but she sustained a major head wound. She’s in the hospital right now, on life support. They say… they say they aren’t picking up any brain waves.” Alex’s voice gets quieter with every word. “She… she won’t make it. I-- I’m sorry.”

Finally, he has the decency to drop his gaze.


I just keep staring at him, still unmoving. What?

Debbie won’t make it? Debbie, with her lively eyes and bright smile and sweet voice, won’t make it?

How can that happen?

She can’t die. She can’t die and leave me here. She promised me that she would be okay.

She promised.


The world seems to have stopped as I try to process the information, the sympathetic faces surrounding me blurring together.

“Are you okay, Leo?” Alex seems so far away.

I force myself to pull it together. No matter what they say, she must still have a chance. Right?

“Can I go see her?” I ask.

Alex hesitates. “I’ll take you to her room, but you have to stay outside. Come with me.” He puts a hand on my shoulder and guides me towards the direction of the hospital.

I don’t really see or hear or feel anything as I walk. Everything is numb, just so numb.

There’s a part of me still thinking that she has a chance, that she could live. She’s Debbie. She can’t give up that easily. That part of my mind is desperately enforcing this theory, feeding my hope, and the rest is accepting it, wanting to believe it.

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