Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*Alisha Qian*

Tonight, as soon as my head hits my pillow, I fall asleep. But this time, for some reason, I’m consciously aware of being asleep -- of dreaming. In the dream, I’m standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a turbulent sea, and a strange force seems to be pulling me towards it. I try to run away from it; my feet carry me swiftly, with ease, but when I look over my shoulder, the drop is still right behind me. In fact, it seems to be coming even closer.

“Help me! Somebody, anybody!” I scream at the top of my lungs, but just as I’d expected, no one comes.

Finally, the force pulling at me becomes irresistible, and I’m slowly dragged backwards. Losing balance, I trip over my own feet, but when I extend my arms to break the fall, my hands find nothing. I look up and realize that I’ve somehow already fallen off the cliff, and with that realization comes the feeling of plummeting... down, down, down...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the voice of Seraphim Mortis begins to chant. “Venite ad me Angelus Mortis, propter quod ego sum Seraph, tu autem Angelus, et simul ad hoc tenemur per mortus.”

"Come to me, Angelus Mortis, for I am the Seraph and you are the Angel, and together we are bound by death." The words send shivers down my spine, and I almost forget about my present dilemma.

The ground below rushes up, impossibly fast, and my feet slam into them with the force of two-ton barbells. The jolt of the impact rushes up my legs, but the pain that should’ve accompanied it does not take hold. I don’t pay any attention to the strange phenomenon, however; I’m too focused on the figure standing before me.

“Hello, Angelus,” Seraphim Mortis says with a smile. “Long time no see, hmm?”

I blink. “We’ve met?”

He sighs. “Oh, of course not. You wouldn’t know me... it’s just that you remind me of your ancestor.”

I laugh slightly in spite of the situation. “Are you high or something?”

His eyebrows draw together in confusion. “What is this ‘high’ you speak of?”

I roll my eyes. “Never mind. Just explain.”

“Well,” Seraphim starts, “I’m the creator of the Cosmo Prison, but I’m dead right now. I can only communicate with you because of your connection to my sister.”

“Your sister...” I muse. “Angelus Mortis, isn’t it?”

He nods.

“What happened to her?” I ask.

“She died,” he replies bluntly. “She went to heaven, where the good people go... and I’m stuck here, in the place between earth and sky.”

“Why is that?”

Seraphim shrugs. “I have to ‘right an old wrong,’ as they always say.”

I narrow my eyes. “An old wrong... you mean the creation of the superhuman race.”

His piercing silver gaze meets mine. “I have repented. I will force Christy back into the world where she came from, and all will be well. All you have to do is follow me.”

“Really?” I snarl, suddenly angry. “You think you can just skip into my life, tell me what to do, and expect me to follow you? Even though you’re the Seraph of Death, guilty of inflicting pain upon my loved ones with your stupid superhumans?”

“Calm down, Angelus!” he commands.

“Angelus this, Angelus that!” I explode. “What the heck even is my connection to her? And my name is Alisha Qian, thank you very much; I’m not some cruddy spirit floating around up there--”

Cosmo Prison - Book 1: The Edge of EarthWhere stories live. Discover now