Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- New perk

I woke up in my room. I don't remember passing out. I mean it was possible, but I would have remembered. 

It was thunderstorming and I was in my spirit form. I need a haircut. 

I got up, my equally cold feet hitting the wooden floor. A rumble of thunder followed by lightning sounded, then the power cut out. 

" Told you we would need candles." Enda said as light came into my room. " Here's a lamp so you can see." 

" Just set it on my dresser. Could you bring me a pair of scissors so I can cut this mess of hair off me?" 

" You know I can cut it for you, right?" 

" Really?" 

" How do you think the girls keep their hair fixed?" 

" Fine. I'm taking a bath first. I'll yell at you when you can cut it." 

I grabbed clean clothes and shoes from my closet and headed outside.

Setting my clothes in the backyards porch, I let the rain drench me, then walked back to the porch, changed, and headed back inside, Enda waiting for me in the bathroom. 

" I don't want anything fancy. Give me  top shoulder-length hair." 

" Understood." 

He was done in three seconds. I looked really good on me. 

I had some paperwork to do concerning Hunter Academy, and I was taking a break for the rest of the day. 

I deserved it. 

When I was in the middle of surfing the interwebs for construction ideas for Hunter Academy, there was a knock at my door. 

I looked up to see the two archangels, Micheal and Raphael.

I looked up to see the two archangels, Micheal and Raphael

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( Yes, they have shorts on

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( Yes, they have shorts on. Note that these are there vessels and Raph only has one pair of wings.)

" If your thinking about killing me, I suggest you rethink it." I said as they walked completely into the room.

" Were not thinking that, I swear." Raphael said, talking with his hands. 

I  looked over at Michael, who was just staring at me intensely. " Why is a child in charge of this organization?" 

" Michael." Raphael snapped. 

" You know the answer to your question," I said as I saved the image that I had started to debate over, then getting up. " You're both in Class S. If you chose to ever join us, that's where you will be. Now if you will excuse me, I have a very pressing matter to attend to."

I passed them, feeling Raphael stare intently at Michael. 

I wonder why I had an immense headache this morning. I can read minds now. 

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