Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- Spark

" I can definitely do this." Amy - the head of the construction team I had hired- said, looking at the picture. 

" I'm glad to hear it, " I told her. " Let me know if you need anything. I'll be in touch." 

I flashstepped back to my house and collapsed onto my bed as the sides of my head started hurting, then hurting turned into burning.

Opening my bedside drawer, I found the pain killers I had and took a few with the water I had set on the bedside table, curled up with my stuffed can and basically passed out. I needed sleep, but not everything goes the way I want it to.

I was woken up by Aiko, basically shaking me awake. I was covered in a cold sweat, and Aiko had a terrified look on her face. 

" Are you alright, sounded like you were being murdered." Enda said, turning on the light to my room. 

" Guess you could say that." I said, looking at my right, my dreamcatcher still there. 

Aiko gave me a once over, guess checking to see if I hurt myself. When she was done I dug through my bottom drawer and found my Prazosin that I was thankful was still there. I took two, finishing the bottle of water off. 

" Guessing you've had these nightmares before?" Enda asked, walking in.

" I had them really bad when I was a kid, but they stopped when my powers came. No idea why they've come back." 

" Wonder if the horns have anything to do with it." 

" Huh?" 

" Your horns." 

I felt the side of my head, and sure enough, I had pointy thick horns growing out of my head.

" Of course," I exhaled. " Not looking forward to getting the ears and tail." 

( Zero's P.O.V.) 

Tyler rubbed the side of his head for the hundredth time. " Are you alright?" 

" Just a headache," He told me blandly. " What exactly are we doing anyway? Last time I checked everything bad disappeared." 

" GET THE HELL OFF ME!" A teen boy yelled, yelping occurring.

We darted towards the noise, finding the teen struggling against a very rabid looking dog. The dog looked horrible, and the teen equally horrible.

I pulled the dog of and chucked it away from us, and Zero shot it. 

" You OK man?" Tyler asked, putting his hand out to help the teen up. 

" Fine now." He said, blue fire escaping his injuries, then they closed by themselves as Tyler helped him up.  

" What are you doing in the middle of nowhere?" 

" Trying to find somewhere else to get by. The situation I was in, wasn't a very good one." 

Tyler smiled, his heart rate started to pick up. 

" Take him back with you. I'll finish this." I told him, turning around

" What exactly are you out here to do anyway?" 

" None of your concern." 

" Fine, be an ass. Just don't get yourself killed." 

We went our separate ways, but the feeling in the air didn't change.

Something was coming, and I wasn't planning on letting my guard down. 

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