The story ends

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Here is where your story ends. You feel a pain as you pass out. You where in a hospital bed. Your hair was longer. How long where you out. You see Dendy walk in." You're awake good." You sat up." What- what happened." Dendy sighed.

"You have to go." She said there's no one else in the building." What do you mean." She sigh and looked at the ground." They can't continue this story any more." You where confused.

The author walked in." Hello dear reader I'm sorry to say this but this is where the story ends no happy ending, no saving someone, no getting the boy, I'm sorry dear reader but i no longer am into this book i no longer want to make a true ending for it. I'm sorry but I want to make other things so this is good bye."

The author left the room. You where left with nothing and no one. The story ended and now your staring at text on a screen.

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