twenty four - cellabration

102 7 3

Frank placed a kiss right under Gerard's jaw. "Lemme take you out to dinner."

Gerard smiled, but he didn't tear his eyes away from the television screen. He just brought Frank's hand up to his lips and the arm that was wrapped around Frank's waist tightened. "Sure."

They sat there for the last few minutes of the film until the credits rolled and Frank urged that they get uncurled and untangled from each other, and finally, when the song had stopped and the credits had run themselves out, Gerard agreed, insisting that he'd just wanted to hear the song out and that the fact that Frank was warm and soft had nothing to do with the reason he didn't want to get up. 

When they'd gotten up and made it to their bedroom to get changed into clothes suitable for going out, Frank pressed his lips to Gerard's neck again. "I'm gonna take a shit while you change."

Gerard's nose crinkled and he barked out a laugh. "Okay," he said, the traces of a smirk never leaving his face. He pulled out black jeans, a band shirt, and a leather jacket and set to work on putting the clothes on. When Frank was out of the bathroom, he grabbed some clothes too and when he was done pulling his Green Day shirt over his head, he turned his sweet hazel eyes on Gerard. 

"Can I wear your jean jacket? Please?"

Gerard bit his lip. "Fuck, alright," he caved, and Frank pulled on a hoodie and then layered the jacket on top of it while Gerard watched, feeling confused. "It isn't that cold out there, baby."

"I'm a small guy," Frank said, then slipped his arms around Gerard's waist and pressed up on his toes to place a kiss on Gerard's lips. "I'm constantly freezing."

Gerard shrugged and then, with a second thought, put another layer on underneath his leather jacket too. Frank pocketed his keys and wallet and then they ascended the levels of their apartment in the elevator, hands twisted together. 

"Where do you wanna go?" Frank said, tracing his fingers over Gerard's knuckles and tilting his head up so they made eye contact. 

"Uhh, well, actually," Gerard said with a little blush, "there's this new vegan place on Main Street that I found and it reminded me of you. I was gonna take you there but--"

Frank grinned. "I'd love to take you there, baby, don't worry."

Gerard smiled and squeezed Frank's hand a little. "Thanks for dinner tonight by the way."

Frank waved it off, and the elevator opened. They walked out into the lobby and then into the street. They walked hand in hand in the cool autumn air, and Gerard found himself grateful for the fact that he'd pulled on another layer before they'd left because, for October, this was pretty cool weather. 

They caught a taxi to Main Street, and then Gerard led Frank to the small restaurant. There weren't many people there, and when they walked in, they were greeted by a tall girl who led them to a table. 

"Hi, my name's Jamia, and I'll be your server tonight," she said with what seemed like a genuine smile. She placed two menus on the table. "What can I get you guys to drink?"

"Just water for me," Gerard said. 

"Me too," Frank added. 

"Okay, I'll be right back," Jamia chirped, and then she was off. Gerard and Frank glanced over the menu, made their decisions, and when Jamia came back, told her their orders. 

"Wait, Jamia," Frank hesitated, and she turned around, eyes going hazy with familiarity. 

"Frank?" she tested, and he smiled a little. 

october challenge | frerard | ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora