Part 3

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The week passed by slowly and Friday finally arrived. I stayed in the library without eating at school and at home I remained home. Noah never came into the guest house so I had no worries of seeing him.

This Friday was going to be eventful i thought, as Loren took a seat next to me. she didn't say anything just sat there took out her books and worked. I did the same.

The following week was the same only this time she spoke. "So you're going to prom alone?" she asked.

"Yes, you?" I asked.

"Im still thinking about it" she lifted her spectacles from her nose.

"You not going with Christopher?" I asked against my better judgement.

"She is" Christopher sat down next to her, "ive been looking all over for you" he said. I wanted to say clearly not all over if you only found her in the library four days later but I but my tongue.

"Rania and I are friends now and I can be myself around her" she said to my surprise. Only because she was quiet all week long. Christopher looked at me for an explanation probably wondering what id said to her.

"We speak about how good she is at writing" I said. Loren looked at me surprised. The truth was she was a good writer, I only noticed this because I enjoyed writing too and our paper became available for everyone to see when it has been marked. Hers was always the best. Below me. and the fact that she wrote speeches for Anna for all school events for some reason.

"Oh" was his response. He must have known this about her too.

"Im hungry" I said and left the library giving them space. Everyone deserves a second chance I guess.

Only now I really had to get something to eat.

"Rania, come and sit by us" Anna called. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I wasn't exactly elite even though I thought it be ridiculous to be considered Elite either way.

"sure" i said.

"What?" anna asked in shock. In fact everyone at the table looked shocked too.

"thank you, this seat is not taken is it?" I sat down opposite her and next to Noah. I could smell his cologne now that I was this close to him. I hadn't smelled that woodsy musk all week. I missed it. The smell I mean.

"Welcome" Mia said with a smile. Always genuine.

Anna didn't say anything instead she just looked at me with daggers.

I couldn't tell what Noah was thinking but I knew his eyes were on me.

"Virgin Mary at the sluts table" Anna snarkily said to me.

"I never said this is the slut table" I said taking a bite from my apple. Her scowl deepened.

Mia smiled at me approvingly and slid her tablet to me. "what do you think of our plans so far?" she asked.

I looked at the pictures and sure enough it was going to be straight from a fairytale. I can only imagine how much was donated towards the prom from a caring parent.

"its beautiful" I said honestly.

"right?" Mia smiled proudly, "it was easy finding the best décor with our big budget from Mrs. Wolf"

"I can only imagine" I said.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, it's going to be a dream" I said instantly distracting her.

"what are you doing here Rania?" Noah asked rudely.

"what do you mean?" I asked.

"why are you sitting by us?" he asked more blunt this time. What is someone like me doing at their elite table. He didn't speak loud to me but somehow everyone heard him and thought it was polite to go silent.

My heart was beating and my palms sweating now. I kept my face as neutral as I could trying not to be hurt by how he spoke to me.

"Anna asked me to sit here?" I said incredulously.

Noah laughed and so did Anna. Mia was silent looking apologetically at me.

"You never sit by us, you are too good for us remember?" Noah spoke into my face. His tone was menacing. Anna was smirking now.

"I never said I was too good for you. And I never sat by your table because you never asked" I answered honestly, Noah's face fell.

"And we never will, look at you" Anna said lowly.

I stood, realizing that this invitation was in fact not sincere. "Anyway thank you for letting me sit here" I forced a smile on my face and walked out of the cafeteria with my head held high and my heart beat skyrocketing.

When I came out the bathroom there stood Christopher. I really didn't need any more of their games.

"Can you please leave me alone like I leave you all alone please" I begged. Allowing him to see emotion I promised they never would.

"hey, no I just wanted to say something" he said. He looked extremely awkward scratching the back of his neck. "you know what never mind" he said.

I walked away not wanting to spend another second in anyone's company.

"IM SORRY" Christopher yelled.

I turned around and there he stood with Loren next to him smiling.

He repeated again, "I'm sorry" he repeated sincere as you would get from Christopher.

I nod my head and smiled at him. He looked relieved as him and Loren walked the other direction.

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