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Real life
Jadens pov

I slowly opened my eyes looking at my surroundings and realizing I sleep in Cameron's room last night I look over and see her facing me still asleep I admire her. I admire her brows, her eyes, her nose, I admire her everything is perfect she might not think so but I know she is she's the most beautiful thing I've seen I wish I could have her all to my self but Griffin wants her and he always gets what he wants I wonder if she wants him too I thought but then felt the bed start to move so I looked away and grabbed my phone so it didn't look like I was staring she probably felt me staring all ready any ways oh well
"good morning" I heard her soft morning voice echo in the room
"good morning cam" I said back smiling and looked at her
"so what you gonna do for your birthday today" I asked her
"well parkers coming over but she's probably gonna be with Anthony so probably just nothing" she said smiling
"nothing you gotta do something your tuning 18"I said smiling
"yeah maybe I don't know what though" she said sitting up and looking back down at me
"Like I said last night we could do something" I said sitting up also
"yeah that would be nice" she said crisscross applesauce and then facing me so I did the same and she put her hands on my legs "what would we do" she asked
"what ever you want to do its your day after all" I said
"well I've always wanted to play this game were you flip a coin and if it's heads it's a right turn and tails left turn and we count how many times we have to flip it and that's our destination when we're done" she said smiling big I knew she really wanted to do it so I was down
"That sounds fun lets do it" I said putting my hands on top of hers
"ahhh I'm so ready" she said wiggling around
"well then we need to get ready" I said smiling she slides of her bed and runs to her closet
"what should I wear" she asked poking her head out of the closet
"well right now wear something comfy because you don't know where we'll end up" I told her
"Good idea" she said going back in the closet she was in there for about 5 minutes so I ran to go changed got back in the room and seen her walk out in a black crop top and some black pants
"ready" I asked
"yeah let's goooo" she said smiling we walked down stairs together no one was awake yet so we didn't get stopped and we walked out the door
"okay so what do we do" I said as we got in the car
"okay so pick a number 1-23" she said
"6" I said
"okay so we're gonna flip the coins 6 times and if it's heads it's right tails its left" she said smiling
"okay so when does this start" I asked
"as soon as we find a street to turn down" she said as I backed out the drive way I drove us out of the neighborhood coming to a stop sign
"okay flip it" I said and cam flipped the coin the held it in her hand
"umm heads" she said so I took a right which lead us to a street that I've never been on before
"you've ever seen this street before" I asked her
"nope but that's the point of the game to explore so you flip this time" she said and I flipped the coin
"okay it's heads again" I said taking a right
"I'm ready to see where we go" she said smiling
"yeah it's gonna be fun" I replied smiling we drove for about 3 minutes until we got to another stop sign it was tails so we turned left after about 30 minutes we were on our last destination and we were in the middle of no where
"Okay the last flip is heads" she said and I turned right
"okay so we're in the middle of nowhere what are we gonna do now" I said pulling over
"get out and explore we might find something fun to do" she said we both unbuckled and got out of the car and meet in front of the car.
"okay let's walk this way" she said so I followed her "while we're walking I'm gonna ask you some questions" she said smiling
"okay ask away" I said smiling back
"okay how many girlfriends have you had" she asked
"um just 3 one in 5th, 7th and 9th so a while ago" I said laughing
"yeah I've only had one boyfriend and that was in 11th not that long ago but long enough" she said laughing
"okay my turn to ask who's your favorite person in the house" I asked her with a smirk
"wow hard one" she said smiling "probably noen because he's just so sweet and is always nice to me" she said
"damn thought it was me" I said
"you might be second or third" she said smirking "look" she said pointing at a pathway
"wanna go down it" I asked and she shook her head and I grabbed her hand and lead the way
"I wonder where this goes" she said excited we made it down the path and looked up to see a beach
"wow this is beautiful" she said looking around
"yeah it is but I've seen prettier" I said looking at her
"for real you need to take me to see it" she said clueless
"later tonight lets in joy this right now" I said smiling
"I wanna go swimming you down" she said smiling
"we didn't bring any swim suits" I said
"yeah we did" she said taking off her shirt and pants "see" she said smiling so I took of my shirt and pants leaving both of us in our underwear
"let's go" I said grabbing her hand dragging her towards the water
"ahhh it's cold" she said
"yeah it is the middle of November" I said
"yeah we're gonna get sick" she said laughing
"we're fine" I said
"okay" she said smiling I walked near her and grabbed her threw her in the water when she resurfaced she pushed her hair back causing me to see a smirk in her face she started to come towards me and threw her arms around me and wrapped her legs too causing me to fall backwards while I was falling I wrapped my arms around her back so she couldn't get away we both got back up she was still wrapped around me
"well now we're even" she said smiling
"yeah but I'm still gonna get you" I said smiling
"oh and how are you gonna do that" she said leaning closer to me
"haven't figured it out yet might take me a minute" I said leaning closer to her we were probably just an inch away from each other all we had to do was move a little closer and our lips would touch and that's just what I did when our lips connected they moved like they were meant to be together maybe they were I thought the kiss lasted for a good minute but we need air to live so we had to break apart and just looked at each other
"wow okay" she said leaning her head on my chest and unwrapping her legs and standing on her own
"yeah wow" I replied
"I'm hungry wanna go stop and get lunch" she said shyly
"yeah of course" I said laughing we got out the water and mad our way back up to the car and got in rolling the windows down so we could dry off.
"wanna go home and eat" she asked
"yeah that's fine" I replied driving us home once we got there I rolled the windows up and we got out going inside and seeing everyone in the living room
"where did y'all go" Anthony asked
"why are y'all wet" Payton asked
"we were just driving around and found a beach so we swam in it" cam said to them
"it's the middle of November y'all could have gotten sick" Anthony said
"yeah we're fine" she said back "me and Jaden are going upstairs to change we'll be back" she said and I followed her up the stairs and seen her walk into my room so of course I followed once I entered she started taking of her clothes
"we need to talk" she said


#4 in Bryce Hall
#1 in Taylor Holder
#29 in Chase Hudson
#26 in Jaden
#2 in Payton Moormeier

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