Chapter 8: Dream gets taken away!?

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No one pov.

While everyone was having their fun either talking or chasing each other no one seem to notice Dream walk out of the room. Not even Nightmare notice Dream leave. Dream having just about enough of everyone positive emotions decided to go outside to breathe. Sadly for him, he wouldn't be able to that peace for one second when another him, a darker goopy version of him grabbed him and left quickly. Dream didn't even had a chance to scream for help.

Shattered Dream pov.

I smirked as I started down at Dream. He clearly was pure and innocent. Only problem now was how to make him eat a nightmare apple so we could be together as one soul. "W-why did you kidnap me...?" Dream asked as Shattered Dream walked around him. "I kidnapped you to make you do something important for our lives." I said smirking, he clearly not liking the smirk tried to back up but froze seeing the tree that was once everything to him and Nightmare. "Please...what do I need to do...I want Nightmare to understand that I know his pain...but I don't want him to keep pushing me away...he let's everyone but me get close to I really that worthless to him....?" I frowned at the question gently pulling Dream into a caring hug. I knew Dream's soul was already becoming darker by second built how did Nightmare not see this? How could he FAIL Dream this badly. "I need you to do something important for me Dreamy...I need you to sing a song for me okay...?" I said as I held out a book to him.

The hurt verse to bring forth the nightmare apples back.

I had happened to noticed Nightmare finally coming with his group of friends. I just smirked as I gave Dream the book that held the song.


No one pov.

"Shadow cold and dark

Make the final plea

Take the sands of time

And set the spirit free-"

"DREAM STOP PLEASE! DON'T FINISH THAT SONG!!"  Nightmare screamed as the grass around everyone was now turning black.

"Wither and decay

End this destiny

Break these earthly chains

And set the spirit free-"

Nightmare again screamed for Dream to stop as he KNEW that this allowing the nightmare apples to come back.

"The" Dream finished the song and walked towards the tree of positive and negative feelings. The scared Nightmare when he saw BOTH the nightmare and dream apples. Dream took the nightmare apple then turned to his brother with a tired sad smile before biting into the apple.
Time skip to after Dream's pain:
Nightmare and Dream stood in front of each other. Both goopy. Both staring at each other quietly. Their friends begging Dream to snap out of whatever state he was. Dream however was smirking like an idiot. Shattered Dream had finally disappeared into Dream.

A Light In The Darkness (Dream x Nightmare) (UP FOR ADOPTION)Where stories live. Discover now