Part of the Solution

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Harry and Gil dragged Ben along by his bound arms. He had stopped resisting a while ago, so there wasn't really a point for them to both have a hold of him, but they did anyway.

Up ahead of them was the girl he had come to know as Uma, daughter of Ursula. She walked with a purpose, smirking at anyone who came to gawk at her new capture. King of Auradon. Who would've thought.

He recognized the clearing they had reached a moment later. It was underneath the bridge... where they had parked the limo.

He panicked for a minute, wondering if they planned to hijack the car. Maybe someone had swiped the remote from Jay and they were all going to get off the Isle. But after a minute he realized... the limo was gone.

Had they left him? Ben wondered. Jay? Carlos? Evie? Had they gone back to Auradon?

... Were they actually getting the wand?

Uma hopped into the pipe tunnel that he had wondered about earlier and suddenly Ben definitely did not want to know where it led. But Harry and Gil pulled him along through the tunnel and onto a ship.

For the first time since he had gotten to the Isle, Ben could see the sun. It had been hours since he and the other VKs snuck away to get Mal. No doubt he was missing class at this point. Maybe someone had reported him and the others as missing? But would anyone think to check here?

His two guards began to reattach him to the mast of the ship.

Ben glanced around. Uma had wandered off the minute they reached the ship. A few miscellaneous crew members walked about the deck, but no one paid him much of a second glance.

Except for Harry. He obviously did not have much of an issue with boundaries, because the moment Ben's ropes were sturdy, he got right up in the king's face.

"Well, if it isn't King Ben all tied up and in a rut. I wish I could relish in this moment forever."

Ben grimaced, as Harry rubbed his hook underneath Ben's chin.

"How's it feel being a king now, eh?" He laughed, circling the mast like a vulture.

Ben took in a breath, trying not to let the boy bug him, when Uma approached once more and pulled him away. "Give it a rest, Harry. Give it a rest. We don't want damaged goods."

Ben raised an eyebrow as Uma walked past and sat down on the steps in front of him.

"You said that I could hook him!" Harry argued, baring his teeth.

"I said, at noon," she stressed.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the king, then held up a pocket watch in his face.

"20 more minutes," he threatened.

Ben glanced at it, then chuckled. "That says 11:30."

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through," Uma interrupted, not wanting Ben to set Harry off any more than he already had.

"Well, she's not my girlfriend anymore," Ben admitted, his eyes trained on Harry, who waltzed around to Uma's side.

The boy began to laugh and Uma's face broke out in a smile. "Leave us alone, Harry."

As the pirate walked past, he leaned in and whispered, "19 minutes to go, now."

"Go." Uma was obviously unfazed by Harry's flirtatious and unsettling manner.

When the boy was finally gone, Ben decided that maybe there were ways for him to get out of this. "I get that you don't deserve this," he sympathized.

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