Chapter Three- Diamond in the rough

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The sound of my alarm broke through the silence. I opened the blinds letting the morning sunlight fill my room. I'm ready for another day busking I thought to myself. The thought of busking gave me a shortness of breath, I felt so much more stressed knowing that I was no longer doing it for myself and I was now doing it to feed our family. After getting changed and packing my bag I got ready to leave the house. "Mum! I'm going to the pier, I'll be back at around 5."

I set up my equipment, ready for a normal day singing by the pier. I felt like I had lost the enjoyment of busking, I was no longer doing it out of passion anymore I felt a need to do it for the sake of my family. After finishing my first few songs, I pulled up the chords of Lego house by Ed Sheeran, on my phone to refresh my memory and continued to sing. I had sung this song whilst busking many times before but this time was different. It was like every lyric I sung related to the situations I felt like I was experiencing. As I continued to sing I felt a wave of emotions hit me as if they were trying to drown me. I couldn't help but feel like I was being pushed deeper into my emotions. Before I knew it I had finished the song and a man dressed in a navy blue sweater with a "P" on the corner, who I could tell had been listening to the past few songs I had been singing, began clapping like he couldn't control himself.

"You're really good." He said looking for a response. "The names John Perry, I would really like you to come and record with me some time if you were interested."

"Thank you," I responded feeling an urge of panic run through my body, I could sense that this conversation was going to affect my life but I couldn't tell how. Before I could ask him anymore he threw his business card in my guitar case as well as a £50 note, as he walked away. I glanced from left to right to find a sign that would confirm I wasn't dreaming what just happened. I bent down and picked up the business card he threw into my case and examined it before putting it into my pocket, packing up my equipment up and heading home.

On my way home I took my phone out from my pocket and dialled Reya's number.

"Hello?" I asked waiting for a response.

"Hi," Reya responded, short and simple, the way she would always respond.

"When can you come over? I have to tell you something, as soon as possible!"

Without diffidence, Reya agreed to meet me at my house as soon as she could.

When I got home I met Reya by the steps to my front door. "So what is this all about?" She asked with complete confusion.

"Take a look at this." I said, passing her the business card I had been given earlier on in the day.

"You realise what this means, right?" She replied with the look of hope in her eyes, "You could finally have your dream job."

"Haven't you seen where it is though?" I responded reluctantly, "Here, turn it over." Her jaw dropped, I felt relief after realising my reaction was only normal. "So what do you think?"

"I think it's a great opportunity Em," she said giving me a worrying look.


"But, you're mum will never allow you to go and you know that for a fact, especially since she lost her job."

I pulled Reya's arm checking both directions to ensure no one was listening to us and we returned into the house and soon after to my bedroom. After checking we were alone, I couldn't help but express my excitement.

"Los Angeles! I would be mad not to go Reya, come on!"

"She won't let you go, Morgan, she'd be too worried, especially if you go alone."

"That's the thing though, I wouldn't be alone Reya. I want you to come with me!"

She looked back at me with shock.

"No way! Are you serious? I would love to go to LA but our parents would never let us."

"We have to at least ask. Which means you actually have to help me persuade my mum, you know that right."

Reya nodded with a definite look on her face. Before I could say anymore, the door swung open and my sister ran in my room to greet us. Without hesitation, I picked her up and swung her around the room, then placed her on the floor again. Once making her rounds, greeting me followed by greeting Reya she made her way to find our mum.

"Look, you are the diamond in the rough," Reya said pausing, to allow herself to laugh, "You can do this!" She continued, trying to sound encouraging.

I made my way down the stairs, already knowing the answer, I hoped for the best. She couldn't possibly say no right? This is my life after all, and I have to live it. I'm Morgan Wilson, and this is my life.

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