Chapter Four- A long shot

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"Absolutely not." She said with complete certainty. I gave Reya a look like a cry for help, within seconds Reya blurted, 

"How about a trial?" 

Silence filled the room, I glanced at my mum to see the blank expression plastered on her face then I glanced back at Reya, hoping for her to continue. 

"How about we try a couple of weeks out there whilst we're on summer holidays?" Reya continued to look around the room as if she were waiting for a cue to continue; I nodded at her to tell her to carry on.

 "That way we wouldn't be missing any school and Morgan will still be able to check the place out."

I looked at my mum, waiting for a response, "That's a great idea," I said replying to Reya, glancing back and forth at them both.

"No means no." My mum said before walking off. I knew she acted that way to show us both the dominance she had but I knew once Reya had left I could find a way to convince her. Once my mum left the room, Reya and I exchanged looks showing our mixed emotions.

"She'll say yes, if she realises how big of an opportunity this is for me she'll let me go." I said making promises not knowing whether they were true or not.

"I hope so. I know this is for your dream but I feel like I might find something there for me as well."

I felt embarrassed by the way my mum rejected me like that, especially in front of Reya. I knew I had to find a way of convincing her otherwise I would have no hope of finding a future outside of our hometown.

Minutes went by like the click of my fingers and all I could think about was the pressure I was under to convince my mum to let us go. Los Angeles was so far away but I knew if I went there I would find my future calling and so would Reya. Once getting Reya on board I knew I couldn't let her down. After everything she had done for me it was crucial that I help her find her dream out there, whether she knew what that was yet or not.

Before we knew it, Reya's parents were at the door picking her up. As we hugged goodbye, I whispered to her, "I've got this. I'll let you know what she says." And with that, she went.

"Mum! Can we please talk about this?" I shouted trying to make her feel sympathetic towards me. "This is my future we're talking about. Dad would've let me go!"

 Once the words had left my mouth, I regretted saying that. I didn't know what I was thinking, dad was always a sensitive subject for mum but I couldn't take it back now. Before I could say anything else mum stormed her way through the hall.

"Go if you want Morgan. You're right Dad would have let you go, so go. You never listened to what I had to say when he was around and you still don't now. I need you here to help me with your sister but if that's your true calling, then go."

The next few days I spent busking for hours on end. Once I had told Reya I could go and she had confirmed going, with her parents, we had to think about the second main obstacle, the flight tickets and the accommodation. Reya had promised to try earning some money from completing chores around the house but I couldn't think of how she could get enough money for a return ticket to Los Angeles and money for a place to stay.

 "Don't worry," she said continuously, "I've got this." And with that I had to believe her.

Weeks went by and all I could think about was earning the amount of money needed for the trip to Los Angeles. I hadn't spoken to my mum properly since our argument. Yeah, we conversed because we couldn't just avoid each other whilst living in the same house, but every chance I got I stayed over at Reya's house where we'd look for places to stay in America.

"We have to call him today," Reya told me, whilst I was at her house for the second night running. Reya picked the card out of my coat pocket and threw it at me.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked her, chuckling.

"Just call it!" She said, once again showing a clear lack of patience. I called the number and put it on speaker. I held the phone between the two of us with one hand and held my other hand next to it with my fingers crossed. We sat there, in silence, and waited in anticipation.

The person you have called is temporarily unavailable, please try again later or leave a message after the tone.

"What were we thinking? We should have called long before we had decided to go." The disappointment in Reya's voice was apparent. "It was a long shot. We didn't even think this through before getting on with our plan."

"Reya, calm down. We haven't bought the tickets yet, we haven't even figured out the place to stay yet and we have only called him once. Relax. We will go no matter what. Worse comes to worse, we will show up to the address on the business card, whether he likes it or not."

I'm Morgan Wilson, and this is my life.

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