Chapter Eleven- The night changes

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I've got to be honest, I spent the majority of the night in the kitchen. I had no idea where else to go. The house was so big and I didn't want to get lost. I most definitely did not want to run into the boys from this morning, especially if they had a connection with Anastasia.

"What are you doing in here?" Reya asked, as she came in to grab a drink. "You know the party is out there," she said pointing to the living room. "And where is Colin? I thought you two were inseparable," she questioned, in an abrupt manner.

"He's just gone to the toilet," I said pausing, "and I don't think I'm in the mood to dance." Before I could say anymore, Reya had turned around and rejoined the party in the sitting room.

I felt stupid standing in the corner of the kitchen alone, whilst Colin had gone to the toilet, but I felt too insecure to go and party with people I hadn't met before. Colin was the only person who I just clicked with straight away after meeting, I had no idea why but he was so easy to talk to. I never had any trouble coming up with conversation starters and I felt like I could tell him anything.

"You okay, MG?" Colin asked, walking into the kitchen.

"You can go if you want." I said to him leaning on the corner of the counters, with a cup of water in my hand.

"I promised I would stick by your side, no matter what. I'm not going to break my promise." He claimed firmly.

"I don't want to ruin your fun though." I said, placing my cup on the counter.

"Okay," he said taking a breath, "I'm going to stay with you for the rest of the night because I don't break promises... So if you don't want to ruin my fun then you have to come with me," he held out his hand, once again, like he had done before the party. I felt like I had no choice but to join the party now, I didn't want to ruin Colin's night but I didn't want to go in there.

Rolling my eyes, I threw my hand into his. "You going to keep blackmailing me?" I said chuckling, trying to put a brave face on.

"If it gets you to come and party with me, then hell yeah," he responded with a smile that extending from cheek to cheek.

The party wasn't as bad as I expected, at first. I was having the time of my life, I even felt like I was turning into a party girl. However, my mood started to change and at first I had no idea why I just had a bad feeling but when I turned around to see the group of boys approaching me I knew exactly why I felt so much more miserable.

"Hello new girl." The leader of the group said to me, with the rest of his group standing around him. I had to check around at first to make sure he was definitely talking to me, but when I remembered Anastasia was the one who invited me to this party and not the person who had actually thrown it my heart dropped.

"Yes?" I said, aggressively, trying to show a strong front.

"I see we have some sass here." He replied with, raising an eyebrow. "You know you're in my house, right?" He continued, trying to show his dominance over me. I couldn't think of anything to respond with, so I looked at the ground in pity. "Not one for comebacks, I see." I turned around trying to search for Colin to get me out of this mess, whilst him and his group stood there laughing at the idea of making me feel uncomfortable.

"Leave her alone!" Someone from behind me yelled, trying to make sure he heard over the loud music. "Come on Morgan," they continued. Once I turned around and squinted my eyes slightly, to make sure I could see them through all the coloured lights, I realised Reya had just fought my battle.

I grabbed her arm and stormed to the door, "thank you so much Rey, I can't express how thankful I am." I said, trying not to get emotional.

"It's okay," she said pausing, "Ana told me he could be like that."

"So what are they?" I asked.

"I'm not too sure, although she told me the idea of being with him sickened her" she said with uncertainty, "but I guess we don't need to know. All we needed was for you to be safe."

At the first chance we got, Reya texted Ana and I texted Colin to let them know we were going home. As we left through front doors Reya called an Uber and we sat down on the stairs leading up to the house.

"I really don't think Los Angeles is for me," I said to Reya, near to tears. "People just live so differently over here."

I leant my head on Reya's shoulder and she placed hers on mine, "it's only been a couple of days Em, don't give up just yet." And with that we ended the night, left in the Uber, and within minutes of our arrival to our room at the hotel, we were asleep. I'm Morgan Wilson, and this is my life.

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