Chapter 6

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'Clark. What could he possibly want?'

She opened it and checked the voicemail

"Hi Rori, I was just wondering if Ardy came home last night. She hasn't answered any of my calls, or texts. I'm just getting worried you know. Call me back when you can. Thanks Rori." Clark sounded rushed, not worried. Like he was hiding something.

'Maybe...maybe I did something besides hit her. Maybe I'm the reason she didn't come home last night. Maybe she was jumped, maybe someone tried to touch her, but found that she wasn't born a she. Maybe they were disgusted and acted on it. But maybe it really was me. I wasn't even that drunk, so how can I not remember. This is my fault.'

Her eyes were wide as she sat down on the couch. Thoughts running through her head constantly, not giving her a break to really think. Then there was a knock at the door. She stood and walked towards it, phone in hand. When she didn't answer right away, the person standing outside the door said,

"Las Vegas Police Department." in a very stern, tired voice.

Aurora opened the door to see two police officers in full uniform, except the second one behind the one who knocked wasn't wear a cap. Aurora thought nothing of it, neither did she have to.

"Aurora James?" The first officer asked

"Yes, that's me" she answered with a tired voice.

"We would like to ask you a few questions about Arden Sullivan, may we come in?" the first officer spoke.

"Oh, yes of course, come in. Can I get you guys anything to eat or drink?"

"Some water would be amazing Ms." The officer without the cap spoke.

Aurora made her way to the little kitchenette her dorm had. Once again thankful she had it. She grabbed a glass for the officer and filled it.

"Any ice sir?"

"No ma'am, thank you."

She walked back to the living space and sat down on her desk chair.

"So Ms. James, it seems that Arden didn't come home last night, any idea why?" The officer without the cap questioned. Aurora took a moment to admire the second officer's hair. It was curly, black and shiny. Just like her father's. She felt herself shiver at the thought of her father.

"Ms. James?" He questioned once more

"Oh yes, I apologize sir. Last night Arden and I decided to go to The Louvre. The nightclub. Once we got drinks, she and her boyfriend Clark left me by myself. I didn't see her the rest of the night. "

"Alright, I think that will be all. Sorry to come without notice ma'am." the first officer spoke sincerely.

"That's totally fine. Have a fine day, and please update me on Arden. She's a very dear friend of mine. It panics me to not know where she is, or if she's okay."

"We promise we will Ms. Thank you for your time."

Aurora and the second police officer lock eyes.

"Oh, before we go. I'm Alex, this is Xander."

"Alex and Xander huh? Bet the station had a fun time putting you two together."

"You've got that right." 

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