Chapter 7

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Later that night, Aurora was called and informed that Arden was found dead. Heartbroken. Ashamed. Heartbroken that she never got to live the life she wanted with Arden. Ashamed that when she was rejected, she acted out and hurt the one she loved. Ashamed that the last thing that Arden saw was her best friend beating her to her last breath.

'I killed her. I can't believe I really killed her. What the hell is wrong with me. Why couldn't I have just taken no for an answer. You loved her dipshit. Now she's gone because of you.'

Aurora felt sick. 

The sharp pain in her heart like a firework firing off and landing in her stomach creating a pit. 

Just like last time.

 But this time it was full of dread instead of love. She hated herself for what she had done. She hated herself for days before she was finally called in to the station. They had found a suspect.

'How have they not figured it out it was me. I deserve death for what I have done, why don't they just do it? Are they torturing me for what I have done? Do they know? Do they?'

She opened the station doors, signed in, and walked into the Deputy's office. Scared out of her wits. Thoughts speeding in and out of her mind like bullets from a sniper. Then Deputy Romero walked in, a dreadful look painting his face.

"You mention Clark Summers when we were at your dorm, correct?"

"Yes, may I ask why?"

"He's our suspect."

"Jesus Christ. I think you guys have the wrong guy, he would never hurt Arden."

"Look kid. We talked to him. Apparently, your buddy never informed her boyfriend she wasn't exactly born a she."

"She never told him she's transgender?" Aurora asked in disbelieve. Arden said she had; Arden never lied.

"That's what we've been told." He leaned back in his chair, it bending a bit backwards. "Now we won't be taking him in to custody until we have more evidence, or until he confesses. But until then, we'll keep you updated, alright love?" He grabbed her hand, eyes glinting with something deceitful

"Uh.. Yeah sure" Aurora said before roughly tugging her hand away. She hastily walked out of the office, signing out with the wonderful ladies at the desk.

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