Chapter 8

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For the next week, Arden was all Aurora could think about.

 She haunted her dreams, she invaded every thought, Aurora saw her face everywhere she went. Those beautiful blue eyes, a dead gray. Lifeless. Beautiful tan skin, a light gray. Devoid of color besides the bruises and blood that remained under her nose and by her eyes. Lifeless. The beautiful black hair of hers, ratty. 

She was lifeless. She really was gone, wasn't she.

She finally got a call from Deputy Romero in the middle of the night while she was drinking a glass of water, traumatized from another nightmare filled with Arden's screams.

"He confessed Aurora. He killed Arden. Clark Summers killed Arden Sullivan. I need you to come down to the station. It doesn't have to be tonight. You can come in the morning, but I'll be here." 

Then he hung up. Aurora got no words in, she had no thoughts. Was she really going to let an innocent man go to prison for killing someone he didn't kill.

 The answer was yes. If he wanted to believe that he did it, then so be it. It wasn't her fault that Clark was being eaten away by guilt. If this is what he wanted to do, then so be it.

Aurora went back to sleep, hoping for a better dream.

 In the morning, around 9, she started to get ready. Her eyes devoid of emotion. She looked in to the mirror, disgusted with what she saw. Though she always thought she was pretty, her actions were the ugliest thing about her. Not the stretch marks on her legs, or the scars on her arms from scratching bug bites, the things she has said and done. Ugly.

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